单词 | look | ||||||||||||||
释义 | look lʊk lʊk Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense looks, present participle looking, past tense , past participle looked
USING YOUR EYES OR YOUR MIND 用眼或心1 VERB (向某一方向)看,瞧,望 If you look in a particular direction, you direct your eyes in that direction, especially so that you can see what is there or see what something is like. (向某一方向)看,瞧,望
SYN see, view, consider, watch Look is also a noun.
Usage Note :
2 VERB (大致)浏览,翻阅(书报、杂志等) If you look at a book, newspaper, or magazine, you read it fairly quickly or read part of it. (大致)浏览,翻阅(书报、杂志等)
Look is also a noun.
3 VERB (尤指专家)检查,察看 If someone, especially an expert, looks at something, they examine it, and then deal with it or say how it should be dealt with. (尤指专家)检查,察看 [Also VERB]
Look is also a noun.
4 VERB (以某种方式)看,瞧,望 If you look at someone in a particular way, you look at them with your expression showing what you are feeling or thinking. (以某种方式)看,瞧,望
Look is also a noun.
5 VERB 找;寻 If you look for something, for example something that you have lost, you try to find it. 找;寻
SYN search, seek, hunt, forage Look is also a noun.
6 VERB 寻找,寻求,谋求(解决方案或新的方法) If you are looking for something such as the solution to a problem or a new method, you want it and are trying to obtain it or think of it. 寻找,寻求,谋求(解决方案或新的方法)
7 VERB 考虑;研究 If you look at a subject, problem, or situation, you think about it or study it, so that you know all about it and can perhaps consider what should be done in relation to it. 考虑;研究
SYN consider, contemplate, study, l%k [text messaging] Look is also a noun.
8 VERB 看待;对待 If you look at a person, situation, or subject from a particular point of view, you judge them or consider them from that point of view. 看待;对待
9 CONVENTION (用于唤起他人注意)瞧,听着,听我说 You say look when you want someone to pay attention to you because you are going to say something important. (用于唤起他人注意)瞧,听着,听我说
10 VERB (用于让他人注意令人惊讶、重要或使人厌烦的事)瞧,看看 You can use look to draw attention to a particular situation, person, or thing, for example because you find it very surprising, significant, or annoying. (用于让他人注意令人惊讶、重要或使人厌烦的事)瞧,看看
11 VERB (建筑物、窗户等)面向,朝向对着 If something such as a building or window looks somewhere, it has a view of a particular place. (建筑物、窗户等)面向,朝向对着
Look out means the same as look .look out同look
12 VERB 打算;准备; 计划 If you are looking to do something, you are aiming to do it. 打算;准备; 计划
SYN hope, expect, await, anticipate 13 PHRASE 从此一帆风顺;此后蒸蒸日上 If you say that someone did something and then never looked back, you mean that they were very successful from that time on. 从此一帆风顺;此后蒸蒸日上 [mainly British]
14 PHRASE [VERB inflects] 直视 If you look someone in the eye or look them in the face, you look straight at their eyes in a bold and open way, for example in order to make them realize that you are telling the truth. 直视
15 PHRASE [VERB inflects] 佯作不知;装作没看见 If you say that someone looks the other way, you are critical of them because they pay no attention to something unpleasant that is happening, when they should be dealing with it properly. 佯作不知;装作没看见 [disapproval]
16 CONVENTION (尤用于对某人言行感到恼火时)喂,你听我说 You say look here when you are going to say something important to someone, especially when you are angry at what they have done or said. (尤用于对某人言行感到恼火时)喂,你听我说 [feelings]
17 EXCLAM 当心;小心 If you say or shout 'look out!' to someone, you are warning them that they are in danger. 当心;小心
18 PHRASE [VERB inflects] 上下端详;上下打量 If someone looks you up and down, they direct their eyes from your head to your feet, in a rude and superior way and often as though they disapprove of you. 上下端详;上下打量
19 to look down your nose at someone→see: nose Usage Note :
UsageVisual Thesaurus
Trends of look View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years APPEARANCE 外貌1 V-LINK 显得;看上去 You use look when describing the appearance of a person or thing or the impression that they give. 显得;看上去
SYN seem, appear, display, seem to be -looking
2 N-SING 外表;神态;表情 If someone or something has a particular look, they have a particular appearance or expression. 外表;神态;表情
SYN appearance, effect, bearing, face 3 N-PLURAL 容貌;(尤指)美貌 When you refer to someone's looks, you are referring to how beautiful or ugly they are, especially how beautiful they are. 容貌;(尤指)美貌
4 V-LINK 看来(要发生);(情况)显得 You use look when indicating what you think will happen in the future or how a situation seems to you. 看来(要发生);(情况)显得
5 PHRASE 从…的外表(或表面)看来 You use expressions such as by the look of him and by the looks of it when you want to indicate that you are giving an opinion based on the appearance of someone or something. 从…的外表(或表面)看来
6 PHRASE 担心…引起危险(或麻烦) If you don't like the look of something or someone, you feel that they may be dangerous or cause problems. 担心…引起危险(或麻烦)
7 PHRASE 如何;怎样 If you ask what someone or something looks like, you are asking for a description of them. 如何;怎样 Thesaurus
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