

单词 crease¹
释义 crease¹ /kriːs/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. (衣服、纸等的)折缝,折痕;皱纹
a sharp crease in one's pants 裤子上笔挺的折缝
Her dress was full of creases. 她的衣服全皱了。
Her face had no creases despite years of hardships. 尽管长期受苦,她脸上却没有皱纹。
2. (枪弹)擦过造成的皮伤
a bullet crease in the shoulder 肩膀上的枪弹擦伤
3. (冰球和长曲棍球的)球门区
4. 球场;(投球手、击球手)区域线;限制区域

II vt.
1. 使起折痕;使起皱
She creased his pants with an iron. 她用熨斗把他的裤子烫出折缝来。
When he unpacked his bags after the trip all his clothes were creased. 旅行归来打开行李时,他的衣服都皱了。
a face creased with sorrow 一张愁眉不展的脸
2. (枪弹)擦伤
A bullet creased his head. 一颗子弹擦伤了他的头部。
3. 英口把…打昏;杀死;累坏
4. 使笑得直不起腰来 (up)
1. 起折痕;起皱
This material won't crease. 这种料子不会皱。
His forehead creased in a frown. 他皱紧眉头。
2. 笑得直不起腰来 (up)
[< Breton kriz < kriza to crease,wrinkle]
phr. crease it 死掉




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