

单词 crackle
释义 crack·le /ˈkrækl/ vi. | vt. | n.
I vi.
1. 发出尖锐急促而轻微的声音;发噼啪声
The American voice crackled in his ear. 在他耳边响起了那美国人尖利而急促的声音。
A fire crackled in the hearth. 炉中火焰噼啪作响。
The first commercial broadcasting station crackled on to the air in 1920. 第一个商业广播电台于1920年开始播音。
2. 闪烁;焕发;充满生气;充满
The essays crackle with wit. 这些文章妙趣横生。
Superstition crackled in her brain. 她满脑子的迷信。
The air waves are crackling with invective. 无线电波中充斥着谩骂声。
an audience crackling with anticipation 满怀期望的听众
3. (某些陶器、瓷器等)表面形成碎裂花纹;皲裂;龟裂
1. 使爆裂;啪地把…弄碎
He crackled the letter viciously. 他恶狠狠地把信嘶地扯碎。
2. 使(陶器、瓷器等)产生碎裂花纹

II n.
1. 噼啪声;爆裂声
the crackle of the bullets 枪弹的噼啪声
the crackle of laughter 格格的笑声
2. (才华等放出的)异彩;闪烁;生气勃勃
The crackle and glow of the author lives on in these pages. 那位作家的才华和热情跃然于这些书页上。
3. (某些陶器、瓷器等的)碎裂花纹,冰裂纹
4. = crackleware




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