释义 |
cour·te·sy /ˈkɜːtɪsɪ/ n. | a. | phr. I n. 1. 谦恭有礼;殷勤;有礼的举止(或言辞) come in without courtesy 唐突直入 Some people don't know the courtesies due an old man. 有些人不懂得应该如何尊敬老人。 They stood up. She made a movement to dismiss the courtesy. 他们站起身来。她示意他们免礼。 2. 好意;恩惠;帮助 I'll see that you get all the courtesies of the house. 我务必要让你受到我家的盛情款待。 They owed him the courtesy of a job offer. 他向他们提供了就业机会,为此他们欠他的情。 He did me a courtesy once. 他曾帮过我忙。 3. 〈古〉= curtsy
II a. 1. 出于礼节的,殷勤的,优待的 a courtesy call (或 visit) 礼节性拜访 a courtesy car (或 limousine) (宾馆、机场等的)免费接客车 a courtesy meal (飞机上的)免费优待餐 2. 名义上的,被众人承认的(但无法律实效的) [< ME curteisie < OFr cortesie < corteis courteous] phr. by (或 of) courtesy 出于好意;出于礼貌;由众人承认 He was called “doctor” by courtesy. 大家称他为“博士”。(但实非博士) by (或 through) courtesy of 蒙…的好意 (或准许);蒙…提供 (或赠送);由于…的作用 a radio programme presented by courtesy of a soap company 由一家肥皂公司提供的广播节目 The costumes for the play were by courtesy of the museum. 戏装承蒙博物馆借予。Courtesy of England (或 Scotland) 【律】丈夫享受亡妻所继承的财产的权利 courtesy of the port (海关对归国旅客的)行李优先检查待遇 |