释义 |
count¹ /kaʊnt/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 数到 count three before firing 数到3开火 2. 点…的数目,数;清点 count the money 点钱 count the pages of a manuscript 点稿子的页数 I am counting the hours until I return home. 我在一小时一小时地等待着回家。 3. 计算 count one's profits 计算利润 4. 把…算入 There will be ten guests, not counting the children. 孩子不算,将有10个客人。 5. 【音】数(拍子) 6. 认为,看作;算作;〈方〉想,料想 He counted himself a happy man. 他认为自己是个幸福的人。 I counted myself lucky to have survived the crash. 这次撞车我能幸免于难,很感幸运。 She was counted among the greatest dancers of the century. 她可算是本世纪最伟大的舞蹈家之一。 The experiment can be counted a complete success. 这个实验可以算是十分成功的。 ❷ vi. 1. 数;计数;点数目 count from one to ten 从1数到10 count up to 100 by fives 5个一数数到100 count on one's fingers 扳着手指计数 2. 计算 The little girl can read, write and count. 那小女孩会读、写、算。 3. 值,计 (for) A touchdown counts for six points. 持球触地算6分。 4. 被算入;算得上;被考虑;值得考虑;有价值;有重要意义;有影响 The first trial won't count. 初试不算数。 This book counts as a masterpiece. 这本书算得上是杰作。 His opinions don't count. 他的意见不值得考虑。 take careful aim and make every shot count 仔细瞄准而弹不虚发 Quality is what counts most. 质量最重要。 Latin America counts heavily these days. 如今拉丁美洲是举足轻重的。 5. 共计,总数为 The army counts two million. 陆军人数达200万。 6. 【音】数拍子
II n. 1. 数数,计数,点数;点出的数目,总数 make a head count 点人数 The final count is one man dead and one man injured. 据最后查点,一人死亡,一人受伤。 the reduction in white blood-cell counts 白血球计数的下降 The visitor count reached a million within 25 days. 25天内参观人数达100万。 2. 计算 3. 【律】(被控告的)罪状 He was fined on a minor count. 他因犯轻罪而被处以罚款。 4. 事项,问题 The interests of the two countries coincide on all counts. 两国利益处处一致。 They are wrong on three counts. 他们在3个问题上有错。 5. 〈古〉考虑;注意 take no (some) count of what people say 不(在一定程度上)考虑别人说什么 6. [the count] (拳击中裁判员的)数10(指被击倒的拳击手须在10秒钟之内站起,否则判为失败) 7. 【棒】球数;(击球员的)挥击次数 8. 【体】记分 9. (保龄球第一球的)倒瓶得分数 10. 【纺】支数;织物经纬密度 11. 【核】(电离事件)计数 [< Ang-Fr counter < OFr conter < L computāre to calculate, compute] phr. beat the count (倒地的拳击手)在裁判数到10前起身 be out for the count = take the count count against(被)认为对…不利 count down 1. (发射火箭等前)倒计数 2. (重大活动前夕)做准备工作,倒计时 count for much (nothing, little) 很有(没有,很少)价值 count in 把…算入 If you're planning a trip to London, count me in. 你们假如计划去伦敦旅行,我也算一个。 count off 1. 点数把…平均分组;(军队中为分组而)报数 Close up ranks and count off from the left by the threes. 横列靠拢,从左起3个一组报数。 2. 给…编号 count on (或 upon) 依靠;指望;料想 You can count on me for everything in the future. 你将来的一切可全靠我。 You can't count on the weather being fine. 你不能指望天晴。 count out 1. 不把…算入 If you're playing football in this rainy weather, you can count me out. 这样的雨天你们假如要踢球,可别把我算在内。 2. 逐一数出 He counted out ten £5 notes. 他点出10张5镑的钞票。 3. (拳击中裁判员)数10后判(被击倒者)失败 4. 〈口〉少算(或错算)选票而使…落选 5. 打败 6. 〈英〉(不足法定出席人数40人而)宣告(下院)休会 7. (儿童游戏中)唱着歌挑出(或剔出) count towards 包括在(最后结果或数目的)估价中 count up 算出…的总数;共计 It counts up to a sizable amount. 总数相当可观。 down for the count 1. (拳击手)被击倒由裁判员数10裁判胜败的 2. 〈美俚〉被彻底打败的 keep count (of) 数得清(…),知道(…)确切的数目 lose count (of) 数不清(…),不知道(…)确切的数目 I am losing count of the days. Is it Thursday? 我日子搞不清楚了。今天是星期四吗? out of count 数不胜数的,无数的 take the count 1. (拳击中被击倒者在裁判员数10后)被判失败 2. 被打败 take the last (long) count 〈美俚〉死 the full count (拳击中裁判员对被击倒运动员从1秒数到10秒的)数10 |