释义 |
coun·sel /ˈkaʊnsəl/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 协商;考虑;讨论 the frequent counsel of the two powers 两个大国之间的频繁商讨 2. 忠告;劝告;通过协商(或讨论)得出的意见 They refused to listen to the old man's counsel. 他们拒绝听从老人的劝告。 follow sb.'s counsel 听从某人的劝告 The doctor's counsel was that we see a specialist. 医生劝我们请教专科医生。 3. [单复同]律师;法律顾问;顾问 counsel for the prosecution 公诉律师 Is counsel for the defence present? 被告律师到了吗? The jury had heard counsel on both sides. 陪审团已听取双方律师的意见。 as special counsel to a Senate investigating committee 作为参院调查委员会的特别顾问 4. 计划;决策 The counsel to build a new school was not approved. 新建一所学校的计划没有获得批准。 5. 〈古〉智慧;判断;谨慎,慎重 6. 〈古〉意图,目的 7. 〈废〉秘而不宣的想法(或意图)
II (-sel(l)ed; -sel·(l)ing) ❶ vt. 1. 劝告;提议 counsel silence 请大家安静 counsel foreign students 给外国学生提出建议 The doctor counsel(l)ed operating at once. 医生建议立即动手术。 counsel sb. to do sth. 劝告(或建议)某人做某事 “Don't let that worry you,” counsel(l)ed my hostess. “别为这个操心,”女主人劝我说。 2. 提供心理咨询 She was counsel(l)ed for depression. 她因抑郁而接受心理咨询。 ❷ vi. 1. 交换意见;协商;商量 The committee counsel(l)ed far into the night. 委员会商讨至深夜。 She counsel(l)ed with her husband. 她同丈夫商量。 2. 提出建议(或劝告);接受建议(或劝告) [< OFr counseil < L consilium deliberating body < consulere to consult] phr. a counsel of despair 一切失败后采取的行动 a counsel of perfection 1. 要求至善的劝告 2. 理想而不切实际的劝告 darken counsel 使更加难以理解;使难题更加费解 hold counsel (with sb.) = take counsel (with sb.) keep one's own counsel将意见(或计划)保密;不相信别人 take counsel together 共同商量 take counsel (with sb.) (与…)交换意见;(同…)商量 |