

单词 cough
释义 cough /kɒf; kɔːf/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I vi.
1. 咳,咳嗽
2. (发动机、枪炮等)发出咳嗽般的喀喀声
The motorcar came coughing up the road. 汽车沿着公路噗哧噗哧地开过来。
An ancient truck coughed into life. 一辆老得没牙的卡车噗哧噗哧开动起来。
3. 英口认罪;供认
She hasn't coughed yet. 她还没有认罪。
1. 咳,咳出
He coughed his cigarette cough. 他咳了一声,那是抽烟人特有的咳嗽声。
2. 咳得使…
cough oneself hoarse 咳得嗓子沙哑
He kept coughing as though he would cough his life away. 他不停地咳着,像是要咳死为止。

II n.
1. 咳,咳嗽
give a warning cough 咳嗽一声以示警告
a smoker's cough 抽烟者的咳嗽
2. 咳嗽声;咳嗽似的声音
His cough became husky. 他咳嗽声变得沙哑了。
the cough of an engine 引擎发出的喀喀声
Without a cough in warning, the pistons simply stopped. 活塞连噗的一声征兆也未发出就这么停了。
3. 咳嗽病
have a bad cough 咳得很厉害
4. (警探用语)真实可信的证据
[ME coughen; 与 MD cuchen to cough, Ger keuchen to gasp 有关 < 拟声]
phr. a cough and a split (影剧中没几句台词)咳嗽一声就下台的角色
cough down (听众)故意咳嗽以阻挠(演讲者)
cough it 认罪;供认
cough out 1. 咳出
2. 说出;勉强说出;吐露;供出
cough up 1. 咳出
cough up blood 咳出血来
cough up a fish bone 咳出一根鱼刺
2. 说出;勉强说出;吐露;供出
I suppose I shouldn't be coughing up these details. 我想我不该说出这些细节。
After several hours of questioning, he finally coughed up the information. 经过几个小时的审问,最后他供出了情报。
3. 掏出,支付;交出(赃物、欠款等)
They were forced to cough up an extra dollar a barrel. 他们被迫每桶多付一块钱。
We know the stolen watch is in your possession, so you may as well cough it up. 我们知道那只被偷的表在你这儿,你还是把它交出来的好。
4. 出钱,掏腰包
No use asking the old man. He'd never cough up. 不用问那老头子要,他是不会掏腰包的。




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