

单词 alarm
释义 a·larm /əˈlɑːm/ n. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. 惊恐;忧虑,担心
He didn't take alarm at the news. 他听到消息并不吃惊。
The bandits scattered in alarm. 匪徒们惶惶然四散逃窜。
the growing alarm at the rising crime rate among youths 青年犯罪率增加引起的与日俱增的忧虑
There is no cause for alarm. 不必恐慌。
2. 警报
an air-raid alarm 空袭警报
give a false alarm 虚发警报
3. 警钟;报警器;(闹钟的)闹铃
install a burglar alarm 装防盗警报器
Oh, there goes the alarm. Time to get up. 喔,闹铃响了。 该起床了。
4. alarm clock
5. 动员令,紧急待命的号令(一般作 alarum)
6. (击剑中)前脚急出动作,两个连贯步伐的进攻

II vt.
1. 使惊恐;使忧虑,使担心
They were alarmed to find her dead. 他们发现她死了,大惊失色。
She is alarmed that he should get the post. 他竟然得了那个职位,她对此不胜担忧。
I was alarmed at his behaviour. 我为他的行为担忧。
be alarmed over sb.'s health 为某人的健康担心
2. 向…报警,使警觉
3. 打扰;刺激
Heavy trucks alarmed one all night. 载重卡车声整夜使人不得安宁。
4. 向…下动员令
[< OFr alarme < Ital all'arme to arms]
phr. give the alarm 报警,告急;引起警觉
The dog's barking gave the alarm. 犬吠声引起了人们的警觉。
raise the alarm = give the alarm




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