释义 |
cor·rect /kəˈrekt/ a. | vt. | vi. | phr. I a. 1. 正确的,对的 a correct answer 正确的回答 be correct in every particular 每个细节都正确无误 You are correct in thinking he is an honest man. 你认为他是个诚实的人,这个看法是对的。 2. 正当的;合适的,得体的;符合的 correct behaviour 正当得体的行为 the correct dress for a ceremony 某一典礼时应穿的服装 a very correct young lady 举止很得体的年轻女士 enclose the correct return postage 附入回信应付的邮资 He dug into his pocket for change and found the correct coin. 他到口袋里掏零钱,找出一个硬币,不多不少恰恰是应付的数目。 The relations between the two countries are merely correct. 两国间仅仅保持着不冷不热的关系。 The President was given a correct dose of welcome. 总统仅受到与他身份相符的欢迎而已。 3. 〈主美〉遵照某一政治(或意识形态)的正统观念的
II ❶ vt. 1. 改正;纠正 correct examination papers (exercise books) 批改试卷(练习本) correct proofsheets 修改校样 correct a mistake 改正错误 Correct my spelling (pronunciation) if it's wrong. 我的拼写(发音)假如不对就请纠正。 Please correct me if I'm wrong. 如果我错了请你纠正。 2. 校正,校准;矫正 correct one's watch 把表校准 The enemy kept correcting their aim. 敌军不断修正射击目标。 These glasses will correct your sight. 这副眼镜能矫正你的视力。 3. 惩治 correct a child for disobedience 惩治不听话的小孩 4. 消除(病痛等);抵消;中和 ❷ vi. 改正;纠正 (for) correct for an error 纠正错误 [< L corrigere to make straight < COR-+ regere to lead straight, direct] phr. stand corrected 承认有错,接受他人的批评纠正 up to correct 〈口〉到规定数量 cor·rect·a·blecor·rect·i·ble a. |