释义 |
cor·ral /kɔːˈrɑːl/ n. | vt. I n. 1. 捕兽围栏;栅栏状物;〈美〉畜栏 be held in a roped-off corral 被拘困在一个用绳子围起来的地方 2. 〈主美〉(用作防御目的的)车阵 3. 〈主美俚〉(淫媒把头掌握之中的)人肉庄(指全部卖淫女子)
II (-ralled; -ral·ling) vt. 1. 把…关进(或赶入)围栏 corral a cow 把母牛关进牛棚 2. 〈主美〉把(车辆)围作车阵 3. 〈主美〉包围;捕捉;把…集合在一起,搜集 The reporters corralled the candidate and asked him for a statement. 记者们围住那个候选人,请他说些话。 He corralled his fellow freshmen for a meeting. 他召集他的一年级新同学开了个会。 Such dams can corral off enough water to operate a series of turbine pumps. 这种水坝能围出足以驱动一组涡轮泵的水。 4. 〈美口〉获得;占有 the man who has corralled the most votes 得票最多的人 He has corralled a new desk for his secretary. 他为他的秘书弄到一张新的办公桌。 [Sp < ? VL currāle area for vehicles < L currus wagon, cart < currere to run] |