释义 |
co-opt /kəʊˈɒpt/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. (现有成员)将…选为(或指定为)新成员;指定…为同事(或助手) She was co-opted on to the committee. 她被增选为新委员。 2. 吸收;同化 It means that rock has been co-opted by high culture. 那意味着摇滚乐已为高品位的文化所吸收。 3. 强占;征用 co-opt the cars to carry sth. 征用汽车运送某物 4. 拉拢,笼络(对手等);收买 co-opt sb. to one's own side 将某人拉到自己一边来 co-opt certain blacks and coloureds to share power 把黑人和有色人种的一些成员笼络过来共享权力 ❷ vi. (现有成员通过选举、指派)增补新成员 [< L cooptāre to elect < optāre to choose] |