释义 |
cook¹ /kʊk/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 烹调;煮,烧 roast beef that is not cooked enough 做得不够熟的烤牛肉 She cooked her husband a delicious meal. 她给丈夫做了一餐美食。 2. 烧(鸦片);煮(药);(在工业加工方面)蒸煮 3. 〈口〉(尤指用核反应堆)使受原子辐射;使带放射性 4. 〈英口〉篡改(账目等) cook the immigration figures 篡改移民数字 The accountant was found to have cooked the books. 会计被人发现篡改了账本。 5. 〈俚〉搞糟;毁坏 cook sb.'s career 毁掉某人的前程 6. [常用被动语态]〈主英俚〉使筋疲力尽 7. 【棋】对(棋式)找到意外解答,以无意中的妙着解决 8. 〈美俚〉用电刑处死 9. 〈美俚〉对…严刑逼供 10. 〈美俚〉激发…的性欲 11. 〈美俚〉加热溶解(毒品) ❷ vi. 1. 烹饪;当厨子,当炊事员 2. 被烹调,被烧煮 They had a few drinks as the turkey cooked. 趁烧火鸡的当儿他们喝了几杯。 This kind of rice cooks more quickly than that kind. 这种米比那种容易煮熟。 3. 〈英俚〉(人)热得发昏;经受烧烤般高温 The town cooked in the sun. 全城被烈日烤炙着。 4. 〈口〉发生 There is something cooking between the two countries. 两国间正在发生着一些什么事情。 5. 〈口〉带上放射性 6. 〈美口〉干得欢;玩得起劲;热烈起劲地吹奏 The party cooked right through the night. 聚会闹了个通宵。 The jazz quartet was cooking along. 爵士乐四重奏一路热热闹闹地吹吹打打。 Now you're cooking. 这下你演奏得起劲了。 7. 〈美俚〉砸锅,失败 8. 〈美俚〉(热锅上蚂蚁般地)焦躁等待
II n. 1. 厨子,炊事员;厨娘 2. 蒸煮;蒸煮物 3. 【棋】意外棋式解答,无意中的妙着 4. 〈美俚〉行动的策划者;头儿 [< ME cok < OE cōc < L coquus cook < coquere to cook] phr. be cooking on all four 〈俚〉忙得不亦乐乎 cook down (将食物)蒸煮得变稠 (或变少)cook off(子弹因弹膛内高温而)自射 cook on the front burner = cook with gas cook up 〈口〉想出,策划;捏造,编造 cook up sb.'s murder 策划谋杀某人 cook up an excuse 编造借口 cook up troubles 制造麻烦 cook with gas (或 electricity, radar) 〈俚〉干得欢,干得起劲;想得对路;做时髦事 Too many cooks spoil the broth. 〈谚〉厨师多了烧坏汤。(意指一个人作主就够了) What's cooking? 〈口〉发生了什么事? 在搞什么把戏? |