

单词 context
释义 con·text /ˈkɒntekst/ n. | phr.
1. 上下文,语境,文脉
words and phrases placed in no context at all 完全脱离了上下文的单词和短语
2. (人、事、物存在于其中的)各种有关情况,来龙去脉,背景;环境
assess sb. in the context of his times 联系人物的时代背景来评价某人
It is in such a context that the military took over. 军方就是在这种情况下接管的。
within the general context of the present political situation 鉴于目前总的政治形势
They behaved far too well for their context, which was mostly Detroit. 多数时间他们生活在底特律,在这样的环境里,他们的举止显得太过文雅。
[< L contextus a putting together < contexere to interweave < texere to weave, braid]
phr. in context 在上下文中;连贯起来
Taken in context, his remarks make some sense. 联系上下文看,他的话有一定的意思。
Brief him personally. Put everything in context for him. 你亲自把情况向他介绍一下,把来龙去脉给他说清楚。
in this context 在这一点上,在这方面
out of context 1. 脱离上下文;割裂地
quote a remark out of context 断章取义地引用一句话
2. 游离于整体之外的,格格不入的,离谱的




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