

单词 content¹
释义 con·tent¹ /ˈkɒntent/
1. [常作 contents] 所容纳的东西,所含之物
the contents of a safe (drawer) 保险箱(抽屉)里的东西
the bag's contents 袋子里的东西
empty a bottle of its contents 倒空一个瓶子
manipulate the contents of the reader's mind 操纵读者的思想
2. [常作 contents] 内容(指书内全部章节);目录
the contents of a book 书的内容
Look up the contents at the beginning of the book. 查一下卷首的目录。
a table of contents 目录
3. 实质内容,要旨;意义
the content of a poem as distinguished from its form 与其形式相对而言的诗的内容
In my opinion, the movie lacks content. 依我看这部电影缺乏实质性内容。
the content of the physics course 物理课的课程内容
Her life only had content when she was with him. 她只有与他在一起时生活才有意义。
4. 容量;容积;体积;面积;长度
a barrel of more than usual content 容量超乎寻常的大桶
5. 含量,成分
Oranges have a high vitamin C content. 橙子的维生素C含量很高。
6. 内容;内包
7. (网站或电子媒体中的)电子信息
[< L contentus contained < continēre to contain]




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