释义 |
con·strain /kənˈstreɪn/ vt. 1. 强迫,迫使 He was constrained to agree. 他被迫同意。 They constrained us to instant action. 他们强迫我们立即行动。 2. 限制;约束,束缚;关押,禁闭 A wheel is constrained to rotate on its axle. 轮子是限制在轮轴上转动的。 His activities must be constrained. 他的活动必须受到限制。 The wild animal was bound and constrained. 这只野兽被缚住关了起来。 3. 压制,克制,抑制 (from) He tried to constrain (himself from) a cough during the lecture. 讲课时他设法忍着不咳嗽。 He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task. 他克制着不让思想在工作时开小差。 He constrained his anger with difficulty. 他好不容易才压住心中的怒火。 4. 使劲作出;强行 constrain a smile 强颜欢笑 5. 紧紧夹住;攫住 6. 〈废〉压缩,使收缩 [<OFr constreindre < L constringere to bind together < stringere to bind] |