释义 |
con·sist·en·cy,con·sist·ence /kənˈsɪstənsɪ/,/-əns/ n. 1. 黏稠度;黏稠(性) The overcooked oatmeal had a consistency resembling paste. 那煮过头的燕麦粥黏得像浆糊。 Flour will give the dough a thicker consistency. 加面粉可使面团黏稠一些。 2. 坚实,坚硬;坚硬性(或度) The frosting retained its consistency. 糖霜仍然结得硬邦邦的。 The rumour persisted, daily acquiring consistency. 谣言日复一日地流传着,而且越传越像是真的。 3. 固守;坚持 consistency of purpose 目的性的始终不渝 4. 性质;状况 The relationship between the two countries was of shaky consistency. 这两个国家间的关系不稳定。 5. 一致;符合;协调;连贯;(言或行)前后一致;言行一致 There is no consistency between the movie and the book. 这部电影和书的情节完全不符。 Her rude behaviour is not in consistency with her usual polite nature. 她的粗鲁行为和她平时斯文的性情是不相符合的。 There is no consistency in the furniture styles in this room. 这房间里的家具式样不协调。 arguments lacking consistency 互不连贯一致的论据 Your actions lack consistency; you say one thing and do the other. 你的行动缺乏一致性,说的是一回事,做的却是另一回事。 6. 〈废〉浓厚物质,黏稠物质 |