con·sign /kənˈsaɪn/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 把…交付给;把…委托给 (to) The thief was consigned to jail. 小偷被送进监狱。 consign a task to sb. 把任务交给某人 consign a child to sb.'s care 将小孩托某人照料 2. 运送;托运;把…托人代售(或保管);寄售;寄存 Please consign the said merchandise by express mail. 请将上述货物作快件发送。 The dealer consigned the books to his London agent. 商人把那批书发送到伦敦的代理商托其代售。 3. 留出,拨出 The room was consigned to them for a conference. 房间留给他们开会用。 They consigned the funds to the anti-poverty program. 他们拨出基金用于反贫困计划。 4. 储蓄 consign money in a bank 把钱存在银行里 5. 打发;放逐;使湮没无闻 The discredited politician was consigned to a remote post. 那个失去信任的政治家被打发到遥远的岗位上。 consign a letter to the flames 将一封信付之一炬 consign sb. to misery 使某人陷于悲惨境地 consign a body to the grave 将尸体埋入坟墓 be consigned to oblivion 湮没无闻 6. 〈废〉(基督教行洗礼等时)给…划十字,给…行按手礼 ❷ vi. 〈废〉让步;同意 [< OFr consigner < L consignāre to put one's seal to, sign < signum mark, sign]