释义 |
con·duct /ˈkɒndʌkt/ n. | vt. | vi. I n. 1. 举止;行为;品行 conduct unbecoming to a military officer 有失军官身份的行为 His conduct at school was disgraceful. 他在学校的表现简直丢人。 2. 处理(方式);管理(方式);经营(方式);实施(方式) The government's conduct of the affair was satisfactory. 政府对这件事的处理是令人满意的。 His conduct of the business was very successful. 他的商业经营很成功。 3. 〈古〉指导;领导 4. (艺术的)处理手法 5. 〈废〉向导;陪同者 6. 〈废〉安全通行证;通行许可
II /kənˈdʌkt/ ❶ vt. 1. [conduct oneself] 表现,为人 conduct oneself well 行为端正 conduct oneself with judgement 为人有判断力 2. 处理;管理;进行;经营;实施 conduct a survey (或 an experiment) 进行调查(实验) conduct a sales campaign 主持推销活动 conduct a love affair with 与…谈恋爱 conduct business with 与…做生意 conduct a successful business 经营一家成功的企业 3. 指挥 conduct a siege 指挥围攻 conduct an orchestra (an opera) 指挥管弦乐队(歌剧) conduct a class 教一堂课 4. 给…做向导,陪同 conduct tourists through a museum 陪同游客参观博物馆 conduct a tour 导游 5. 输送;【物】传导(热、电等) The hot water is conducted through these pipes. 热水由这些管道输送。 Copper conducts electricity better than other materials. 铜的导电性比其他材料好 ❷ vi. 1. (尤指在乐队)当指挥;当领导 Who is conducting this evening? 今晚谁当(乐队)指挥? 2. 【物】传导 3. 指路;(路)通(至) (to) 4. 〈英〉(在公共交通车辆上)当售票员 She'd conducted on London buses for 20 years. 她曾在伦敦公共汽车上当了20年售票员。 5. 〈罕〉举止,表现 [< L conductus escorted < condūcere; 见 CONDUCE] |