释义 |
con·dense /kənˈdens/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 使压缩;使凝聚,使凝结 2. 聚集(光线) Light is condensed by means of lenses. 光线通过透镜聚集。 3. 使缩短;缩写;使简洁 condense a speech (manuscript) to half its original length 把演说(稿子)压缩为原长度的一半 Three months of meetings were condensed into just over an hour. 本来要开3个月的会议被压缩为1小时多一点。 The passage is condensed from the Atlantic Monthly. 此段根据《大西洋月刊》中的一文缩写。 4. 使冷凝 The drop in temperature condensed the steam to water. 温度下降使蒸汽凝成了水。 5. 【化】使聚合;使缩合 ❷ vi. 1. 压缩;凝聚,凝结 Stars condense from the matter scattered thinly through interstellar space. 恒星是疏散在星际空间的物质凝聚而成的。 2. 变简洁 3. 冷凝 Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night. 大气中的水汽在夜间凝成了露水。 4. 【化】聚合;缩合 [< L condeñsāre < deñsaṝe to make thick < dēnsus dense]con·den·sa·bil·i·tycon·den·si·bil·i·tykənˌdensəˈbɪlətɪ n. con·den·sa·blecon·den·si·ble a. |