释义 |
con·clude /kənˈkluːd/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 结束 He concluded his speech by saying that... 他演讲结束时说… The pianist concluded the recital with a Chopin étude. 钢琴家以肖邦的一支练习曲结束独奏会。 2. 推断出;推论出 After waiting an hour they concluded that she wasn't coming. 等了一小时之后,他们断定她不会来了。 The jury concluded, from the evidence, that the accused man was not guilty. 陪审团根据证据断定被告无罪。 3. 缔结;议定;作成;造成 conclude a treaty 缔结条约 conclude an agreement with sb. 同某人达成协议 conclude a sale 做成一笔买卖 4. (最后)决定 We concluded not to go. 我们决定不去了。 He concluded that he would wait a little longer. 他决定再等一会儿。 5. 〈古〉关闭;禁闭 6. 【律】制止,禁止;约束;判决,决定 ❷ vi. 1. 结束,终了 He concluded by thanking everyone. 他讲话结束时向大家致谢。 The meeting will probably conclude without any solution of this problem. 开完会可能也找不出任何解决这个问题的办法。 2. 作出(最后)决定 3. 推论;推断 4. 达成协议 [< L conclūdere to shut up, enclose < claudere to shut, close] |