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con·cil·i·ate /kənˈsɪlɪeɪt/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 把(原来敌对的或生气的人)争取过来,说服; 安抚,抚慰 conciliate an opponent 把对手争取过来 She conciliated her crying little boy with a toy car. 她拿玩具汽车哄她哭叫着的孩子。 2. 博得(支持、尊敬、好感等); 博得…的支持(或尊敬、好感等) He conciliated the respect of his associates with his cooperativeness. 他以合作态度赢得了同事的尊敬。 He tried to conciliate the hostess with lavish presents. 他想用大量礼物取悦于女主人。 3. 使和好;调和,调解 conciliate disagreeing parties 在意见分歧的各方之间进行调解 It is hard to conciliate their views. 他们的看法很难调和。 ❷ vi. 变得友好;变得令人愉快;和好 [< L conciliāre to make friendly < concilium council < com- together + calāre to call] |