

单词 concession
释义 con·ces·sion /kənˈseʃən/
1. 让步
gain concessions from sb. 取得某人的让步
the weekend concession rate 周末优惠价
make a yearly concession to the summer trade 作一年一度的夏季减价
2. 让予物,认可物;承认,认可
As a concession we were given a day off work to go to the meeting. 我们获准休假一天参加集会。
concessions to developing countries 对发展中国家的赠款
The lawyer's concession on that point will help your case. 律师对那一点的认可将对你的案子有好处。
concessions to reality 承认现实
Each wore a straw hat as a concession to the holiday atmosphere. 每人都戴一顶草帽以迎合节日气氛。
3. (政府、当局、公司等的)特许;特许物;(尤指土地使用、产品销售等的)特许权;(尤指从前列强在旧中国的)租界
He held the sole concession for a waterway through the isthmus. 他拥有在该地峡独家开凿一条水道的特许权。
an oil concession 石油开采特许权
Joe's Diner received the hot-dog concession at the ballpark. 乔的餐车式饭店获得了在棒球场设热狗摊的特许权。
4. (在指定场地或建筑物内的)租地营业(权);租地营业商摊;租地
a concession stand (booth) at the fair 集市上的货摊(摊棚)
a refreshment (parking) concession 租地设小吃摊(停车场)的特许权
5. 加拿大(尤指安大略省和魁北克省的)政府特许设立镇分区的土地;(通常为东西向的)农村道路;[concessions]农村
[Fr < L concēssiō an allowing < concēdere to concede]




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