释义 |
con·cerned /kənˈsɜːnd/ a. | phr. a. 1. 挂念的,担心的,忧虑的,不安的 be concerned for sb.'s safety 挂念某人的安全 be concerned about (或 at, over) the continuing pollution of the environment 对环境继续遭受污染感到不安 with a concerned look 带着忧虑的神色 2. 有关的, 有牵连的;参与的,参加的 (in) invite the concerned parties to the meeting 邀请有关方面前来参加会议 His new book is concerned with Africa. 他的新作是关于非洲的。 He spoke to the people concerned. 他对有关的人讲了话。 He is concerned in the banking business. 他从事银行业。 3. 关心的,感兴趣的;热心于公众事务的;忧国忧民的 He talked to me like a concerned older brother. 他像一个关切的老大哥似地和我谈话。 He is concerned to prove (或 with proving) his innocence. 他很想证实他是无辜的。 We're not concerned with who's right or wrong. 我们对谁是谁非不感兴趣。 be concerned with books and music 喜爱书和音乐 He's not concerned about how you do it, just do it. 他不在乎你怎么做这事,做就是了。 a concerned lawyer 热心公益的律师 4. 〈英方〉喝醉的 be concerned in (或 with) liquor 喝醉酒
phr. as far as ... be concerned 就…而言 As far as I'm concerned, you can do what you like. 就我而言,你可以自便。 I am not concerned 与我无关 so far as ... be concerned = as far as ... be concerned con·cern·ed·ly-ˈsɜːnɪdlɪ ad. con·cern·ed·ness-ˈsɜːnɪdnɪs n. |