释义 |
com·pre·hen·sion /ˌkɒmprɪˈhenʃən/ n. 1. 理解;由理解而获得的知识;理解力 This metaphor is beyond (或 above) all comprehension. 这个隐喻难以理解。 The teacher had no comprehension of the boy's problems at home. 老师对这男孩在家里的问题毫不理解。 His comprehension of physics is amazing. 他对物理学的了解是惊人的。 be dull of comprehension 理解力迟钝 2. 包含;含义;广泛性 a term of wide comprehension 含义很广的词 3. 〈英〉理解力测验 She sets her students a comprehension every week. 她每星期对学生作一次理解力测验。 4. 【逻】内涵 5. 【英史】(英国国教对非国教徒的)容纳 [<ME comprehensioun < L comprehēnsiō < comprehendere; 见 COMPREHEND] |