

单词 communion
释义 com·mun·ion /kəˈmjuːnjən/ n. | phr.
1. 共享;共有
a communion of interests 利益的共享
2. (思想、感情等的)交流;谈心;交际;(尤指天主教教徒间的)团结契合
They have limited communion with their neighbours. 他们和邻居来往很少。
The woodman spent the day in communion with nature. 那樵夫整天沉醉于大自然中。
3. 融洽关系;密切配合
The couple had a perfect communion of thoughts. 这对夫妇情投意合。
the communion of motion of a bird's wings 鸟类双翼动作的协调
4. 宗教教派;教会
5. [C-] (基督教)圣餐;圣餐仪式;领受圣餐;领受圣餐前念(或唱)的诗句
take (或 receive) communion 领受圣餐
give (或 distribute) communion 给圣餐
[< L commūniō general participation < commūnis common]
phr. hold communion with oneself (尤指关于道德或宗教问题)深思




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