释义 |
com·mo·tion /kəˈməʊʃən/ n. 1. 混乱;喧闹;骚动 They were awakened by the commotion in the street. 他们被街上的喧闹吵醒了。 make a commotion about nothing 无理取闹 2. 政治动乱;起义;暴动,叛乱 Economic inequities continue to keep their society in commotion. 经济上的不平等使他们的社会继续动荡不安。 excite commotion against the king 煽动反国王的叛乱 3. 汹涌;狂暴 the commotion of the waves 浪潮的汹涌 the commotion of a storm 狂风暴雨 4. 激动 He was startled into no ordinary state of commotion. 他大吃一惊,情绪异常激动。 5. 平稳而反复的运动 the commotion of the steady gentle breeze 徐来的习习清风 [< L commōtio < commovēre to throw into disorder < com- together + movēre to move] |