释义 |
cloud /klaʊd/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 云;云雾;烟雾,烟尘;星际云;电子云 The sky is covered with dark clouds. 天空乌云密布。 There's more cloud today than yesterday. 今天云比昨天多。 a dense cloud of cigar smoke 浓密的雪茄烟雾 2. (尤指运动着的密集的)一大群 a cloud of locusts 大群飞蝗 Flies by the zillions engulfed us in dense clouds. 密密麻麻的大群苍蝇朝我们劈头盖脑飞来。 He made his way to the exit in a cloud of security men. 他在一大群保卫人员的前呼后拥下走向出口。 3. 遮暗物;阴暗;阴云 under cloud of night 在夜色朦胧中 clouds of another war 另一次战争的阴影 When they married, there were no clouds on their happiness. 他们结婚时并不存在影响他们幸福的因素。 4. 疑团;耻辱 He found it difficult to get a job because a cloud always hung over his reputation. 由于他的洗刷不清的坏名声,他发现很难找到工作。 5. 污斑;(大理石的)云纹 6. (液体等中的)混浊团
II ❶ vt. 1. (云、烟等)覆盖,遮蔽 The thick mist clouded the mountain tops. 浓雾笼罩山顶。 2. 弄暗,弄黑,弄脏;使阴暗;使模糊 The financial outlook is clouded by worry over inflation. 对通货膨胀的忧虑使财政前景暗淡。 Tears clouded his vision. 泪水模糊了他的视线。 Other thoughts clouded his memory. 其它的念头把他的记忆搞糊涂了。 3. 诋毁,毁损 a clouded reputation 受毁损的名誉 4. 使忧郁;搅扰 5. 使有污斑;使混浊 ❷ vi. 1. 阴云密布 (over,up);变模糊;变暗 The sky clouded over before the storm. 暴风雨来临前天空阴云密布。 Her eyes clouded with tears. 她泪眼模糊。 2. (脸色)阴沉下来;忧郁起来;焦急起来 Her brow clouded with worry. 她愁眉不展。 3. 成为可疑;成为不祥 4. 像乌云般翻腾 5. 变混浊 [<OE clūd rock, hill] phr. a cloud on the horizon 意料之中的困难或问题 blow a cloud 吞云吐雾 Every cloud has a silver lining. 〈谚〉黑暗中总有一线光明。 in the clouds 1. 在云天,在高空 2. 虚无缥渺的;不切实际的,幻想的;神秘的 3. 心不在焉的 on a cloud 〈美口〉1. 高兴得像上了云天 2. (在麻醉剂作用下)恍惚 on cloud seven (或nine) 〈口〉极为幸福 under a cloud 1. 失宠;受怀疑;名誉扫地 2. 郁闷;碰上麻烦 wait till the clouds roll by 等待良机到来 with one's head in the cloud 做白日梦;脱离现实 |