释义 |
clog /klɒɡ/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I (clogged;clog·ging) ❶ vt. 1. 塞满;阻塞,堵塞 an ice-box clogged full of beer 装满啤酒的冰箱 Don't clog your memory with useless facts. 别让你的记忆塞满无用的东西。 The freeways were clogged with traffic. 快车道为来往车辆所阻塞。 Dirt clogged (up) the pipe. 污物把管子塞住了。 2. 阻碍,妨碍 The machine was clogged (up) with grease. 这台机器因为油污太多而运转不灵。 The sudden increase of phone calls clogged the switchboard. 突然增加的电话妨碍了交换台的正常工作。 3. 给(人或动物)系上重坠(以阻碍其行动) ❷ vi. 1. 塞满;阻塞,堵塞 The heater clogged with dust. 炉子积满了灰尘。 The street clogs during the rush hour. 这条街一到交通高峰时刻就阻塞。 2. 黏(或凝)成一块 3. 跳木屐舞
II n. 1. 〈古〉障碍物 2. 脚(或颈、手)坠(即系在人或动物的腿、颈、臂部的重物) 3. 木屐;(跳舞用)薄底木屐 4. 木屐舞 5. 〈主苏格兰〉木块;木柴 [<ME clogge block, lump of wood <?] phr. pop one's clogs 〈英口〉〈谑〉死去 |