释义 |
cleave¹ /kliːv/ vt. | vi. (过去式 cleft /kleft/或 cleaved 或 clove /kləʊv/,过去分词 cleft 或 cleaved 或 clo·ven /ˈkləʊvən/) ❶ vt. 1. 砍开,劈开;砍下 cleave a block of wood in two 把木块一劈为二 He can cleave a tree with one blow of his axe. 他一斧头就能砍断一棵树。 2. 穿过;钻进 The vessel cleft the billowing sea at record speed. 船以创记录速度破浪前进。 3. 使分裂,使分开 4. 砍出,劈出;开劈出 cleave a path through the jungle 在丛林中开出一条路 cleave one's way through the crowd 从人群中挤出去 ❷ vi. 1. (顺纹理或裂纹)被劈开;裂开;摔裂 This wood cleaves easily. 这种木材易开裂。 2. 披荆斩棘地前进;破浪前进;穿空前进;穿越 (through) a ship cleaving through the water 破浪前进的船 [<OE clēofan] |