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ag·i·tate /ˈædʒɪteɪt/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 搅动(液体等);(尤指剧烈地)摇动 The machine agitated the mixture. 机器搅动混合物。 Following the main shock of an earthquake tremors agitated the city from time to time. 主震之后,余震不时摇晃着这座城市。 2. 使激动,使狂躁不安;使焦虑 The fiery speech agitated the crowd. 充满激情的演说使人群狂热不已。 be much agitated about sb.'s health 对某人的健康焦躁不安 agitate the mind 使思想紊乱 3. 对(计划、问题等)展开激烈争论 4. 〈古〉反复斟酌,仔细掂量 ❷ vi. 鼓动;煽动 (for,against) Furious, the workers agitated for a strike. 工人们愤怒地鼓动罢工。 They are agitating to assert their autonomy. 他们正在鼓吹实行自治。 [< L agitātus < agitāre to move to and fro < agere to act, drive + -ATE] |