

单词 chip¹
释义 chip¹ /tʃɪp/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. (木、石等上削、凿、碰或剥落下的)屑片,碎片
chips of wood 木屑
chips of coloured glass in a kaleidoscope 万花筒中的彩玻璃碎片
2. (屑片削下或碎片碰落后留下的)缺口,瑕疵
This glass has a chip. 这个玻璃杯有一个疵点。
3. (食物等的)薄片;[chips] 油炸土豆条
orange chips 柑橘片
chocolate chips 巧克力片
4. (用于纸牌戏或其他赌博戏中的)圆形筹码;[chips]
put one's chips on sb. 把赌注下在某人身上
5. = bargaining chip
6. (编篮或帽等用的)木条;棕榈叶;稻草;木条编的篮子(或箱子)
a chip bonnet 女草帽
Strawberries cost $5 a chip. 草莓每篮卖5美元。
7. (作燃料用的)干粪块
make a fire of cow chips 用牛粪块生一堆火
8. 小块钻石(或水晶饰品)
9. 无价值的东西;琐碎之物;干焦(或无味)的东西
meat burnt to a chip 烧焦了的干肉块
10. 高尔夫切削击球,近穴击球
11. (踢过对方队员头顶传给本方队员的)撮球
12. 切球
13. 电子集成电路片,集成块;微(型)电路
14. [常作 Chips] (尤指船上的)木匠
15. 乐器上的按键

II (chipped;chip·ping)

1. (或凿、碰)下屑片(或碎片);易削(或凿、碰)坏,易剥落
This china chips easily. 这种瓷器易碰出瑕疵。
The old paint soon chipped off. 旧漆很快就剥落了。
2. (牌戏中)下赌注
3. 高尔夫切削击球,近穴击球
4. 撮球
5. 切球
1. (或凿、碰)(屑片或碎片);将(土豆)切成薄片
chip off the old paint 铲掉旧漆
chip several small pieces of stone from the wall 从墙上凿下一些碎石块
2. 将…削(或凿)成形;在…上削(或凿、碰)出缺口(或瑕疵)
chip out massive temples with stone tools 用石器凿出巨大的庙宇
chip a hole in the ice 在冰上凿一个洞
The vase was chipped when it fell. 花瓶倒下时碰出了瑕疵。
3. 镌刻(题词等)
4. (用斧等)
5. (幼鸟)啄碎(蛋壳)
6. 高尔夫切削击(球),近穴击(球)
7. 撮踢(球)
8. 切击(球)
9. 作弄,嘲弄,逗弄
[< ME chippen < OE cippian to cut]
phr. a chip in porridge (或 pottage, broth) 无关紧要之物,可有可无之物
a chip of (或 off) the old block 酷似父亲的儿子
a chip on one's shoulder 寻衅(或好斗)的态度;恶劣的情绪
He was a man with a chip on his shoulder. 他是个好寻衅吵架的人。
I doubt that he will put a chip on his shoulder. 我不信他会摆出挑衅的姿态。
(as) dry as a chip 枯燥无味
buy chips 投资
cash in one's chips
1. 把筹码换成现钱
2. 歇业;退隐
Small businessmen were forced to cash in their chips. 小生意人只好关门大吉。
I'm cashing in my chips. 我不干了。
chip away at 1. 从…抽去实质性的东西
2. 削弱;损害
Further hearings chipped away at Hill's credibility. 又几次听证会后,希尔的信誉进一步丧失。
chip in
1. 捐助;共同出钱;共同帮助
They all chipped in for the benefit of Simpson's widow and little child. 他们大家凑钱帮助辛普森的遗孀和小孩。
2. 插入(话);插嘴,插话
Madam, let me chip in a word. 夫人,让我插一句话吧。
Who asked you to chip in with your opinion? 谁叫你插嘴提出你的看法的?
3. 下赌注
have had one's chips 英口挨揍;完蛋;死
in the chips 有钱,富裕
You're in the chips and you can give me back the money. 你发财了,可以把钱还我了吧。
let the chips fall where they may (尤指讲话直率而)不顾后果
pass (或 hand) in one's chips 美俚
when the chips are down 在关键时刻;在危机时刻
When the chips are down, he will go to any length to save his own neck. 到关键时刻,为了保自己他什么都干得出来。




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