释义 |
chick·en /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ n. | a. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 小鸡,鸡;鸡肉 a brood of chickens 一窝小鸡 That chicken lays two eggs a day. 那只鸡一天下两个蛋。 This chicken is tender. 这鸡肉很嫩。 I like to eat fried chicken. 我喜欢吃油炸鸡。 2. 家禽;幼禽;〈美〉松鸡 3. (涉世未深的)青年人;〈口〉年轻女子,小妞儿 4. 〈口〉胆小鬼,懦夫;胆量的比试 You're a chicken; that's why you won't climb the tree. 你是个胆小鬼,所以你不肯爬树。 Chicken is done with cars. 以开汽车来比试胆量。 5. 〈美俚〉(军队中)鸡毛蒜皮的规定,陋规 cut the chicken 废除陋规 6. 〈美俚〉男妓;搞同性性关系的青年男子 7. “胆小鬼”游戏(一种以因恐惧而首先退避的一方为输家的游戏)
II a. 1. (有)鸡肉的;鸡味的 a chicken croquette 炸鸡肉饼 2. 幼小的;细小的 a chicken lobster 小海虾 make chicken noises 发出轻微响声 chicken production 小规模生产 3. 〈口〉胆小的,怕担风险的;卑鄙的 I was too chicken to tell you the truth. 我太胆小了,没敢把真相告诉你。 go (或 turn) chicken 胆怯 4. 〈俚〉坚决服从鸡毛蒜皮规定的,严守陋规的;不重要的
III vi. 〈口〉胆怯;畏缩;因胆小而放弃 (out) He took the plunge when others chickened out. 在别人畏缩不前的时候他断然采取了行动。 Should we old guys chicken out on our young people? 难道我们这些老家伙还怕年轻人吗? [< ME chiken < OE cycen little cock] phr. count one's chickens (before they are hatched) 蛋未孵化先数小鸡,指望得过早 A: I'm sure to win the prize. I'm going to buy a new house with the money. B: Don't count your chickens. 甲:我肯定会获奖的。我要用这笔钱去买幢新房子。 乙:别指望得太早呢。 have one's chickens come home to roost 搬起石头砸自己的脚,自作自受 like a chicken on a June bug 〈美方〉像小鸡啄食金龟子 (意指得费很大工夫) no (spring) chicken 〈俚〉(尤指女子)年龄不小了 She needs lots of make-up to hide the fact that she's no spring chicken. 她必须浓妆艳抹才能掩饰她已经不小的年纪。 He must be well forward in years—or at all events no chicken. 他年纪必定很大了——不管怎么说,至少已经不轻了。 play chicken 〈俚〉比试胆量 The boys sat on the rail as the train thundered nearer. They were playing chicken. 男孩们在火车轰隆隆驶近时坐在铁轨上。他们在比胆量。running (或 rushing) about like a headless chicken 〈口〉吓掉了魂似的 |