释义 |
af·ter /ˈɑːftə(r);ˈæf-/ prep. | ad. | conj. | a. | n. | phr. I prep. 1. [表示时间]在…以后 (the) day after tomorrow 后天 half after six 〈美〉六点半钟 (= half past six) He will return after two o'clock. 他将在两点钟以后回来。 He arrived there after two weeks. 他在两星期后到了那儿。[注意:after two weeks 之类短语不用于将来时] After lunch we can go. 午饭后我们就可以去了。 after school 放学后 after college 大学毕业后 after Pearl Harbor 珍珠港事件以后 After New York the place were home to me. 在纽约呆过后这地方对我说来简直就像自己的家了。 He'll leave after the bank. 他将在银行办完事后离去。 After a few pages he found that his concentration was going. 读过几页之后,他发觉自己的注意力开始分散了。 After 20 years of marriage and three children, Jane divorced her husband. 结婚20年,生了3个孩子以后,珍妮跟丈夫离婚了。 2. [表示位置]在…后面 Shut the door after you. 随手关门。 stare after sb. 瞪大眼睛望着某人的背影 You come after me in line. 你排在我后面。[注意:表示位置时,用 behind 更为普通] 3. [表示顺序]随…之后,跟在…后面 After you. (客套语)您先请。 After you with the paper (razor). 您看过报纸(用过剃刀)后给我。 4. [用于连接并列的两项,表示接续](一个)接着(一个) bus after bus 一辆接一辆的公共汽车 Day after day they worked on. 他们日复一日地工作下去。 He committed crime after crime before he was at last caught. 他一次又一次地犯罪,终于被抓获。 5. [表示地位或重要性]低于;次于 A major comes after a colonel. 少校军衔低于上校。 After water, food is the most important need for human life. 食物仅次于水,是人生的必需。 6. 鉴于;由于 After what has happened, he will not go. 鉴于已经发生的事情,他不愿去了。 Average personal income, after taxes and inflation, is down six percent. 由于纳税和通货膨胀,个人平均收入下降了6%。 7. 尽管 After all our advice, he still insists on going. 尽管我们劝阻,他仍然坚持要去。 8. 以…为追求(或追赶、纠缠、搜寻)的目标 What are you after? 你追求什么? He looks like a man after information. 他看来像是想打听消息。 His wife has been after him to buy some new curtains for so long. 好久以来他妻子一直缠着他要买几幅新窗帘。 I kept after him until he promised to go with me. 我缠着他不放,直到他答应和我一起去。 The dog took after a cat. 狗追逐猫。 The police are after him. 警方正在追捕他。 9. 关于 ask (或 inquire) after sb. 询问某人的情况 He asked after your health. 他要人向你问安。 10. 以…为模仿对象 a picture after Rubens 一幅仿鲁本斯的画 a fable after the manner of Aesop 一篇伊索式的寓言 a large hall fitted up after the Roman style 一间仿照罗马风格装修的大厅 11. 依照,按照 act after one's own ideas 按照自己的主意行事 John was named after his father. 约翰以他父亲的名字命名。 12. 与…相称,与…一致 His ways are not after our expectations. 他的行径不合乎我们的期望。
II ad. 1. 以后,过后,后来 He left on Monday and returned two days after. 他于星期一离去,两天后回来了。[注意:two days after 之类的短语不用于将来时;另外,上述句中用 later 比 after 更普通] He came soon after. 不久以后他来了。[用 afterwards 比 after 更普通] in the meeting and after 在会议期间和会后 What comes after? 后来怎样? [用 next 比 after 更普通] 2. 向后;在后面 look before and after 向前看再向后看(或:瞻前顾后) He came running after. 他跑着跟在后面。
III conj. 在…以后 I arrived after he (had) left. 我在他离开以后到达。 I shall start after he comes. 我将在他到来以后开始。
IV a. 1. 〈古〉以后的 in after years (times) 在以后的岁月(时代)中 2. 靠近(船或飞机)后部的 an after cabin 后舱 the after sails 后帆
V n. 〈口〉下午,午后(= afternoon) this after 今天下午 [< OE æfter behind in place or time < of off + -ter 旧比较级后缀] phr. after all 见 all be after doing sth. 〈爱尔兰〉一直在做某事(= have been doing sth.) He's after drinking. 他一直在喝酒。 |