释义 |
chance /tʃɑːns;tʃæns/ n. | a. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 机会,机遇 the chance of a lifetime 一生中难得一遇的机会 a 50-50 chance (成败、胜负等)各占一半的机会 a good chance to learn (或 of learning, for learning) English 学习英语的好机会 What a shot! The goal keeper hadn't a chance. 多么精彩的射门!守门员简直没有一点抵挡的机会。 We'll deliver the goods the first chance we have. 我们将尽早交货。 If I give you a second chance will you promise to be good? 要是我饶你一回,你肯保证好好守规矩吗? 2. 可能性;或然性;[常作chances]很有可能发生的情况 There's a chance of rain today. 今天可能有雨。 The aggressor troops had no chance of winning the battle. 侵略军决没有打胜的可能。 I don't see much chance of his supporting us. 我看他不大可能支持我们。 There is a good chance (that) Roy will be gone by then. 到那时罗伊大概已经走了。 A: Don't get lost. B: Not a chance. 甲:别迷了路。乙:才不会呢。 The chances are ten to one that we'll succeed. 我们十之八九会成功。 The chances are against the enemy. 形势对敌人不利。 3. 机缘;命运;幸运;侥幸 Chance let her meet you here. 机缘让她在这儿和你相见。 leave it to chance 听其自然 He will leave nothing to chance in his planning. 他在制定规划时不存任何侥幸之心。 4. 意想不到的事;偶然的事 That was quite a chance, finding him here. 在这儿遇到他,真是想不到的事。 5. (抽彩售货或抽彩给奖中的)彩票,奖券 Alice bought two chances in the car raffle at the fair. 艾丽斯在集市上买了两张汽车奖券。 6. 冒险 run the chance of failure 冒失败的危险 Don't take any chances! 别冒险! 7. 【棒】(守场员的)防守机会(包括传杀、助杀和失误);【板】(守场员通过接球)使击球员出局的机会 8. 〈古〉不幸事件;事故
II a. 偶然的;碰巧的;意想不到的 a chance discovery 偶然的发现 a chance decision 偶然的决定 a chance meeting 邂逅 a chance visitor 不速之客
III ❶ vi. 碰巧;偶然发生;偶然被发现(或找到) I chanced to run into an old classmate this morning. 今天早上我偶然碰到了一位老同学。 We chanced to meet there. 我们有幸(或不幸)在那儿相遇。 It chanced that I was out when he called. 他来访时,我恰巧不在家。 ❷ vt. 1. 冒…的险 You shouldn't chance all your money at once. 你不该一下子把所有的钱都拿去冒险。 She will not chance cycling on the icy roads. 她不愿在结了冰的路上冒险骑自行车。 2. 对…的后果听其自然 [< OFr cheance < cheoir to fall, occur < L cadere to fall] phr. (a) fat chance 〈口〉[作反语用](字面上说“多的”而实际上指)微小的机会;很少的可能 A: Are you scared? B: Fat chance. 甲:你可受惊了吧? 乙:才不呢。 as chance would have it 碰巧,凑巧 As chance would have it she was going to New York as well and was able to give me a lift. 碰巧她也去纽约,所以能让我搭便车。 as it may chance 要看当时情况 (不能预料) a snowball's chance (in hell) 根本没有机会 by any chance[用于试问或建议]万一;也许 If by any chance somebody comes to see me, ask him to leave a message. 万一有人找我,就请他留个信。 Do you by any chance have a pen with you? 你身边也许带着支钢笔吧? by chance 偶然;也许 I met him only by chance. 我只是偶然遇到他。chance it 〈口〉冒险一试;碰碰运气 I wonder if you can get back the lost watch, but let's chance it. 我不知你能不能找回那只丢失的表,不过让我们碰碰运气吧。 chance on (或 upon) 偶然找到;偶然遇到 He chanced on the solution to his problem. 他偶然找到了解决问题的办法。 We chanced upon him in the park yesterday. 我们昨天在公园里碰巧遇到他。 Chance would be a fine thing. 〈口〉愿作某事但没有机会去作。 no chance 〈口〉没有可能性,没有希望 not (even) a dog's chance 一点机会也没有,没有任何可能 on the chance (of 或 that...) (对…)怀着希望 I'll call at his office on the chance of seeing him before he leaves. 我要到他办公室去访问,希望能在他离开以前见到他。 They waited on the chance that he might want to say more. 他们等着,可能他还有话要说。 on the off chance (of 或 that...) (对…)抱着微小的希望 I was lucky to find him at the airfield. I only went on the off chance. 我在飞机场找到他真是运气。我只是抱着万一的希望去的。 stand a (good 或 fair) chance of (大)有…的希望, (很)有…的可能 Our team still stands a chance of winning the game. 在这场比赛中我队还有获胜的希望。 stand no (little) chance 没有 (不大有)…的希望,没有 (不大有)…的可能 Unqualified teachers stand little chance of being hired. 不合格的教师不大有受雇的希望。 take a chance (或 take chances) 冒险;投机 take a chance with weather 怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心情 take chances on the cards 在纸牌上投机 take no chances 不冒险 take one's chance(s) 碰运气;准备冒险 He preferred taking his chance in court against the chance of losing his life. 他宁愿在法庭上碰碰运气而不愿冒送命的危险。 The soldier knew that he must take his chances in the battle. 那个士兵知道他得在战斗中准备冒生命的危险。 the main chance (对自己)最有利的机会;得利的机会,赚钱的机会 with an eye to the main political chance 眼睛盯着政治上最有利的机会 I feel called upon to do it; this may be my main chance. 我感到非做这事不可,这可能是我的大好机会。 |