

单词 challenge
释义 chal·lenge /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 向…挑战(要求格斗、竞赛、辩论等)
challenge sb. to fight 向某人挑战
challenge one's rival to a duel 向对手提出挑战要求决斗
Our school challenged the local champion team to a football match. 我校向当地冠军队提出挑战,要求进行足球比赛。
2. 向…查问口令;向…查问身份(姓名、来意等)
The sentry challenged the stranger at the gate. 哨兵在大门口挡住陌生人查问。
3. 要求得到有关…的证据;对…怀疑,对…质疑;反对,公然反抗
Bill challenged Jim's remark that basketball is safer than football. 比尔对吉姆的打篮球比踢足球安全的说法提出异议。
The Brown daughters had never challenged their mother's authority in these matters. 布朗家的女儿们从不怀疑母亲在这些事情上的权威。
I'm afraid it's not right to challenge your superior's orders. 违抗上级的命令恐怕不妥。
4. 指责;否认
Each candidate almost always refrained from challenging the other on the accuracy of the other's contentions. 每个候选人对于他人提出的论点是否正确,几乎总是抱克制态度,不加指责。
Sam urgently wanted that receipt so that he could challenge rumours about the embezzlement. 萨姆急需那张收据,以便否定有关贪污的谣传。
5. 要求(人或事物)发挥最大的作用(或力量);考验(人或事物)的能力;刺激,激发,激励
This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer. 这个困难促使我开动脑筋去寻找答案。
We'll see that she continues to do the work which challenges her. 我们一定设法使她把这项考验她才能的工作继续干下去。
Jack wasn't challenged by the curriculum at that university. 那个大学的课程使杰克感到没劲。
6. 引起;需要;要求
challenge sb.'s interest 引起某人的兴趣
a matter that challenges attention 值得注意的事
an event that challenges explanation 需要解释的事件
7. (在案件开审前)宣布反对(某陪审员或陪审团全体成员);对(证据、证言或裁定)表示怀疑
8. 宣称(选票)无效;宣称(投票人)无投票资格
9. (实验动物)注射带病微生物进行免疫试验
10. 提出(某种权利)的要求
1. 提出挑战;要求竞赛(或格斗、辩论等)
She was at that time challenging for the lead in the Women's Club. 她那时正在竞选,争当妇女俱乐部的领导。
2. 对陪审员(或证据等)表示异议
3. (猎犬)嗅到兽迹时吠叫
4. 提出权利要求

II n.
1. 挑战;要求格斗;邀请比赛
Exploring outer space is a challenge to mankind. 探索外层空间是一项向人类发出的挑战。
a challenge tennis match 网球邀请赛
He accepted his friend's challenge to swim across the river. 他接受了友人提出的进行渡河游泳竞赛的邀请。
2. (哨兵、警卫等)查问口令;查问身份(姓名、来意等)
challenges and replies 口令问答
A sentry gave the challenge, “Halt! Who goes there?” 哨兵喝问:“站住!什么人?”
3. 怀疑;质问,指责
a challenge to the propriety of sb.'s personal financial dealings 对某人的私人财务往来是否正当提出质疑
a challenge to unauthorized use of public funds 指责越权动用公款
4. 要求,需要
a challenge to the chairman to explain a ruling 要求主席说明一项裁决
Taft Hospital met the challenge by installing a small IBM computer. 塔夫脱医院装了一台小型IBM计算机,以满足医疗上的需要。
5. 能充分发挥才能的前景;需尽心竭力的工作,艰巨的任务;努力追求的目标;饶有兴味的事;兴头
a career that offers a challenge 大有作为的事业
No form of cancer presents a greater medical challenge than cancer of the lung. 肺癌是比任何癌症都更为棘手的医学上的难题。
An orienteering race is often a sequence of challenges. 定向越野常是一种需奋力突破接二连三难关的运动。
This job is too dull; she wants one with more challenge. 这工作太单调,她需要换一种较有趣味的工作。
6. (对某陪审员或陪审团全体成员出庭等表示的)反对
7. (对某一选票的效力或某人的投票资格表示的)异议
8. (猎犬嗅到兽迹时的)吠声
9. 激发(指注入抗原以激发免疫应答)
[<OFr chalenge<L calumnia calumny, slander]
phr. rise to the challenge 奋起应付挑战;证明能完成某种困难任务(或应付某种复杂局面)
He could be expected to rise to the challenge of risk. 可以指望他会奋起应付危险局面。
The orchestra rose magnificently to the challenge of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. 乐队出色地完成了贝多芬第五交响乐的演奏。
take a challenge lying down 对挑战俯首屈服




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