释义 |
chafe /tʃeɪf/ vt. | vi. | n. I ❶ vt. 1. 擦伤,擦破,擦痛 The tight collar chafed his neck. 衣领太紧,把他脖子擦痛了。 2. (尤指用手)擦热;摩擦…使恢复感觉 The mother chafed her child's cold hands. 母亲搓热她孩子冰冷的双手。 3. 磨损,磨坏 He chafed his shoes on the rocks. 他在岩石上磨坏了鞋子。 4. 惹怒;使焦躁;使生气 The noise of the children playing chafed her. 孩子们玩耍的吵闹声使她烦躁。 ❷ vi. 1. 磨损;擦伤 2. 磨擦 (on,against) The horse chafed against his stall. 马在厩栏上擦着身子。 3. 着恼;不满;焦躁 The journalists are chafing under the strictures of the programme. 记者们因受这一安排的约束而感到恼怒。 chafe at sb.'s autocratic leadership 对某人的专横领导不满 4. (波浪等)翻腾,冲击
II n. 1. 擦,磨擦 2. 磨损;擦伤(处);(摩擦产生的)热 3. 恼怒;焦躁;沮丧 [<OFr chaufer to warm<L calefacere<calēre to be warm + facere to make] |