释义 |
co·in·cide /ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd/ vi. 1. 位置重合,同位,重叠 The centres of concentric circles coincide. 同心圆的圆心重合。 2. 同时发生 I didn't want to awaken him when soothing sleep coincided with breakfast. 早饭开饭时他睡得正香,我不想叫醒他。 3. 相符,相一致 100°centigrade coincides with 212° Fahrenheit. 100摄氏度相当于212华氏度。 His vocation coincides with his avocation. 他的职业与他的爱好恰恰相符。 Our interests coincide. 我们的利害一致。 [<ME coincidere <L co- together+incidere to occur, befall<cadere to fall] |