

单词 catch
释义 catch /kætʃ/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | phr.
I (caught /kɔːt/)

1. 捉住,逮住,捕获;捕捉
catch a thief 捉住一个贼
The dog went after a rabbit but didn't catch it. 狗追兔子,但没有逮住兔子。
How many fish did you catch? 你捕获了几条鱼?
Cats like to catch mice. 猫爱捕鼠。
2. 接住,截住,拦住;挡住
The center-fielder caught a fly. 中场手接住了一个飞球。
The sail caught the breeze. 帆吃住了风。
catch rain in a barrel 用桶接雨水
If you hang about here for a bit, you may catch the manager as he arrives. 要是你在这儿呆一会儿,经理来时你可能会遇上他。
3. 抓住,握住
catch sb. by the arm (the sleeve) 抓住某人的胳膊(衣袖)
catch hold of the end of a rope 抓住绳子的一头
He caught her hand. 他握住了她的手。
4. (使)缠住;(使)钩住;(使)绊住;(使)夹住;使进退两难
A nail caught his sleeve. 钉子钩住了他的衣袖。
He caught his sleeve on a nail. 他的衣袖给钉子钩住了。
He caught his fingers in the door. 他的手指给门夹了。
The enemy troops were caught in crossfire between two guerrilla bands. 敌军遭到了两支游击队交叉火力的夹击。
5. 及时赶到,赶上,追上
catch the last bus home 赶上末班公共汽车回家
We caught him before he had gone far. 他还没有走远,我们就追上了他。
6. 偶然(或突然)撞见;发觉,发现
catch sb. (in the act of) stealing 撞见某人正在行窃
They were caught trying to corner the rice market. 他们被发觉企图垄断大米市场。
7. 染上(疾病);感受;着(火)
catch (a) cold 伤风
catch a fever 发烧
catch the enthusiasm of the group 受伙伴们热情的感染
8. 打击,击中
She caught him one on the cheek. 她打了他一记耳光。
The stone caught the dog on the head. 石头击中了狗的头部。
The blow caught him in the arm. 这一拳打在他的胳膊上。
9. (风、雨等)袭击,冲击;(悲痛等)侵袭
The wind caught the sails. 风吹袭帆篷。
We got caught in a downpour. 我们被大雨淋着了。
Sorrow caught the bereaved mother. 丧子的母亲悲不自胜。
10. 遭受(处罚等)
catch a scolding (a thrashing) 受到一顿责骂(痛打)
11. 听清楚;领会,理解
I didn't catch the last two words. 我没听清楚最后两个词。
Did you catch my point? 你懂得我的意思了吗?
12. 引起(注意等);吸引住,迷住
catch sb.'s attention 引起某人的注意
The new book has caught the interest of many readers. 这本新书引起了许多读者的兴趣。
The song caught her fancy. 这支歌深受她的喜爱。
The panorama of mountains that spread in great waves before us caught and held me. 展现在我们面前的一片峰峦起伏的景色把我迷住了。
13. 突然制止(或中止)
She caught her breath in surprise. 她惊讶得屏住了气。
He caught himself midsentence. 他话说了半截儿就止住了。
He barely caught himself from blurting out. 他差点儿脱口而出。
14. 欺骗
be caught by flattery 被奉承拍马所蒙骗
15. (偶然地或短暂地)得到
I caught a glimpse of my old friend in town today. 我今天在城里瞥见了我的老友。
As soon as the door opened I caught the smell of incense. 门一开,我就闻到了一股焚香的气味。
16. 看到;听到
catch a movie 看一场电影
catch the television news 收看电视新闻
catch one's reflection in the mirror 在镜子里照见自己的影像
catch the sound of approaching footsteps 听到渐渐走近的脚步声
17. 获得,攫取,抓取
catch a nap 趁空打个盹儿
catch the first chance of a ride to town 抓住乘车进城的第一个机会
The proposals were aimed at catching votes from the middle-roaders. 提出这些建议的目的在于争取中间派的选票。
18. (传神地)描绘,再现
catch sb.'s likeness 神态逼真地画下某人的肖像
The painter managed to catch his model's beauty. 画家总算成功地再现模特儿的美。
The statue catches her beauty. 这座塑像生动地表现了她的美。
19. (用扣子)扣住;系住
catch the clasp on a necklace 扣好项链的搭扣
catch back a curtain 系住撩起的窗帘
20. (阳光等)的照射;照射于
The flag above the grandstand caught the last of the sun. 夕阳的余辉落到看台上空的旗帜上。
When the sun catches these walks, it makes the hillside look like rich green corduroy. 当阳光照射到这些山径的时候,半山腰看上去呈现出缕缕翠绿色的条纹。
21. [常用被动语态]使怀孕
She's been caught; she's about five months gone. 她已怀孕;大约有5个月了。
22. (特定的投手)当接手
1. 接着,抓住
Here's an apple for you. Catch! 给你一个苹果,接着!
2. 闩住,锁住,系住
The lock won't catch. 这锁锁不上。
This belt buckle doesn't catch. 这带扣扣不上。
3. 被缠住;被钩住;被绊住
Her dress caught on a nail. 她的衣服被钉子钩住了。
His foot caught on a tree stub. 他的脚被树根绊了一下。
4. (声息等)暂时停顿,哽塞
Elsie's voice caught in her throat. 埃尔西说话时喉咙哽住了。
Her breath caught in surprise. 她惊奇得透不过气来。
Tears came into her eyes, her chin quivered, her throat caught. 她眼泪汪汪,下巴颤抖,喉头哽塞。
5. (薄)
This pond seldom catches. 这池塘难得结冰。
6. 燃着,点着,着火;燃焦;(汽车等的引擎)发火
The fire caught immediately. 火马上着了起来。
The match won't catch. 这火柴擦不着。
Paper catches easily. 纸张容易着火。
The water boiled away and the potatoes caught. 水煮干了,土豆烧焦了。
The motorbike engine chugged twice and caught. 摩托车的引擎嚓嘎嚓嘎地响了两次就发火起动了。
7. (像火一般)蔓延;传播
His eloquence caught like a flame. 他能言善辩,有火一般的感染力。
The idea will catch like wildfire. 这想法会像野火般迅速传播。
8. (庄稼)发芽抽条
The clover caught well at the first sowing. 苜蓿第一次播种就长势很好。
9. 当接手
He catches for our team. 他给我队当接手。
10. 美俚(警察)坐办公室值内勤(包括接电话、听申诉等)

II n.
1. 抓,捉
His catch was quick enough to keep the bottle from dropping to the ground. 他落手抓得快,没让瓶子掉在地上。
2. 捕获物(或量)
the annual catch of whales from the Azores 亚速尔群岛一带的年捕鲸量
The fishermen couldn't always be sure of a good catch. 渔民们并非经常有把握捕到大量的鱼。
3. 值得获得的人(或物);值得看中的婚配对象
George was a young and promising catch. 乔治年轻有为,是一个不可多得的人才。
Beatrice was marrying the catch of the season. 比阿特丽斯即将同那个活跃于当年社交季节的红人结婚。
4. 门闩,门扣;拉手;窗钩;锁闩,锁键;(饰针的)搭扣;扣子;(轮)挡;掣子;(接)受器
turn the catch on a door 转动门的把手
unfasten the lock catch of a box 解开箱子的锁扣
the safety catch of a revolver 左轮枪的保险
5. 圈套,诡计;隐藏的困难;意料不到的复杂情况
The house is for sale very cheaply; there must be a catch in it somewhere. 这房子准备以极为低廉的价格出售,这里面一定有些蹊跷。
There must be a catch in this plan. 这项计划里肯定有鬼。
The catch is how to grow rice in such a dry area. 如何在这样干旱的地区种水稻可是一个难题。
6. (声息等)暂时的停顿,哽塞
There was still the catch of a dying sob in her voice. 她说话时声音里还带有一点儿轻微的抽噎。
The prospect of her leaving him brought a catch to his throat. 想到她就要离开他,他的嗓子眼哽得说不出话来。
7. (歌曲等的)片段
catches of a traditional Chinese melody 一首中国传统歌曲的几个片段
8. 轮唱(曲)
9. (庄稼的)茁壮
10. (尤指小孩玩的)相互传接的手球游戏
11. 接手
12. (板球等的)接球机会;接球,接飞球

III a.
1. 吸引人的,引人注意的,使人感兴趣的
a catch verbal stunt 挖空心思哗众取宠的妙语
2. 使人感到为难的,引人上当的
a catch question on an exam 考试中的刁题
[<ONFr cachier to chase, hunt < L captāre to snatch<capere to seize]
phr. a good (或safe) catch (板球等的)接球好手
catch as catch can 能抓到什么就抓什么,没有限制地;用随便什么办法,不择手段地
catch at 1. 试图抓住
He caught at the ball but missed it. 他伸手去接球,但没有接住。
2. 拼命抓住;急切地去取;很快地接受
catch at every opportunity 抓一切机会
The hungry man caught at the pancake and began to eat. 那个饿汉连忙伸手接过煎饼吃了起来。
Joe caught at Bill's offer to help. 乔马上接受了比尔提出的愿意给予帮助的建议。
catch in (用皮带等)收紧宽大的衣服;把(宽大的衣服)收紧些
catch it 受责,受罚
You'll catch it if your father finds you trampling on his flower beds. 要是你父亲发现你踩他的花坛,你要挨骂了。
Catch me (him) ...! (他)决不会…
Catch me in a tux! 我才不会穿小夜礼服呢!
catch on 1. 抓住,抓牢
catch on to sb's skirt 抓着某人的裙子
2. 懂得,理解
I don't quite catch on (to what he is saying). 我还不大理解(他正在讲什么)
3. 流行起来;受(人)欢迎,被(人)接受
That new song will catch on quickly. 那首新歌很快就会流行起来。
The suggestion of opening a bar downstairs never caught on with the older committee members. 委员会中年长一些的委员从来没有赞成过在楼下开设酒吧间的建议。
4. 受雇(于) (with)
The ball player caught on with a big team last year. 这个球员去年受雇于一个有名的球队。
catch out 1. 发觉(某人)有错误(或做坏事)
He was caught out cheating in the exam. 他考试作弊被捉住了。
2. (板球等中)空中截球而使(击球手)出局
3. [常用被动语态]使陷入困境
catch up 1. 把…很快地拾起,急促地举起
The thieves caught up the money and ran. 小偷们一把抓起钱逃走了。
She caught the child up in her arms when he stumbled on a stone. 孩子在石头上绊了一脚,她急忙把他抱了起来。
2. 挽起
She caught up her hair into a bun. 她把头发挽成一个圆髻。
3. 把…缠住,把…卷入;把…迷住
My coat was caught up on the hook. 我的大衣被挂钩钩住了。
a man who is caught up in the trivia of everyday things 一个被日常琐事缠住的人
We were so caught up in the movie we forgot what time it was. 我们看电影看得入了迷,连时间都忘记了。
4. 赶上,追上
I had to run to catch her up. 我必须跑着赶上她。
5. 赶上某人(或某事物)
They started five minutes ago; we must hurry to catch up. 他们在5分钟之前就出发了;我们必须加紧赶上去。
6. 跟上并理解
We caught up nearly everything she said. 她所讲的我们几乎全都跟得上,听得懂。
7. 采用,借用
catch up the slang terms 采用俚语
8. 打断
Why do you try to catch up every remark I make? 你为什么要打断我的每句话呢?
9. 向…提供最新消息
10. 用于美国西部在旅行前准备马(或骡、牛等)
catch up on 1. (事后)得到关于…的消息
I'm afraid I can't catch up on how things are in that region. 恐怕我不能及时得到关于那个地区情况的消息。
2. 赶完,弥补(耽搁下来的工作、睡眠等)
catch up on one's studies in the holidays 在假期中补习功课
Give me that report and I'll leave you to catch up on your sleep. 把那份报告交来,那我就让你去好好睡一觉。
3. 使受挫折;改变(某人)的观点(或生活方式)
Marriage has caught up on her. 结婚改变了她生活方式。
catch up to 赶上,跟上
John ran hard and tried to catch up to his friends. 约翰拼命奔跑,试图赶上他的朋友们。
catch up with 1. 赶上
catch up with the group ahead 赶上前面的那一伙人
catch up with advanced technical level 赶上先进技术水平
2. 逮捕(某人);处罚(某人)
The police finally caught up with those criminals. 警察终于逮捕了那些罪犯。
Billy is always fooling in class but the teacher will catch up with him someday. 比利老是在班上胡闹,可是总有一天要受到老师处罚的。
3. 对…产生预期的坏影响(或恶果)
Smoking will catch up with you. 吸烟迟早会使你受害不浅。
no catch (或 not much of a catch) 不合算的东西;不值得争取的事物
He's welcome to the job; it's no catch, anyhow. 欢迎他来干这项工作,反正不是什么好差事。
Being a games mistress in a third-class school isn't much of a catch. 在三流学校里当一名游戏课的女教师是没有多大出息的。




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