释义 |
ca·reer /kəˈrɪə(r)/ n. | vi. | vt. | a. I n. 1. 生涯,经历;职业,谋生之道 Washington's career as a soldier 华盛顿的军人生涯 a chequered career 充满波折的经历 begin one's Hollywood career 开始在好莱坞谋生 make teaching one's career 以教书为业 make a career of ministry 传教为生 2. (事业的)成功,成就 He has a career before him. 他前程远大。 His career opportunities suddenly looked brighter. 他突然似乎又有希望飞黄腾达了。 3. 全速;(迅速的)前进 in full career 全速地 4. 进程;(行动或过程的)顶点 the sun's career across the sky 太阳在天空中的行程 in the full career of success 在成功的顶点 5. 〈废〉(赛马场的)跑道;路 6. 〈废〉奔驰,猛冲
II ❶ vi. 奔驰,猛冲 The dog went careering about the house whenever someone rang the bell. 一有人打铃这条狗就在屋里到处乱窜。 a society which is careering into a crisis 飞快陷入危机的一个社团 ❷ vt. 1. 使(马)奔驰;驱(车)急行 2. 在…中急行 The moon was careering the clouds. 月亮在云中飞快穿行。
III a. 终生从事职业的 career personnel (或 people) 专业人员 a career criminal 惯犯 a career officer 职业军官 [< Fr carrière < LL carraria carriage road < L carrus two-wheeled wagon, car] |