释义 |
card¹ /kɑːd/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 卡,卡片,卡纸;房卡;电话卡;入场券;会员证;(个人或商号等的)名片;信用卡 a record card 记录卡 a card of admission 入场券 The guest didn't leave any message, but here's her card. 来客没留什么话,不过留下了她的名片。 2. 【计】卡片;插件 a sound card 声卡 3. 明信片;(祝贺、邀请等的)柬帖 a New-Year card 贺年片 a birthday card 生日贺卡 a wedding reception card 喜宴请帖 Frank sent Emily a get-well card when she was in hospital. 埃米莉住院时弗兰克寄柬祝她早日恢复健康。 4. (作为纽扣、火柴等底板的)厚纸片 a card of hairpins 一板发夹 a card of matches 一帖火柴 5. (赛马会、拳击赛、表演等的)节目单;(比赛)计分卡;吸引人的比赛项目(或表演) So there he was in the ring, the first man on the card. 看呐,节目单上的第一个选手已上场了。 a drawing card 吸引观众的表演节目 6. 菜单;酒单 7. (印或写在纸板上的)商品广告牌;通告牌 a window card 陈列在橱窗里的商品广告牌 8. 纸牌;[cards] 纸牌戏 a pack of cards 一副纸牌 Cards are allowed here. 这儿准许打牌。 When you sit down at cards you can't help using your brains. 一坐下来打牌,你就不得不动脑筋。 9. (纸牌戏中的)大牌,好牌;办法,手段,妙计 He didn't hold a card. 他手里一张好牌也没有。 If exchange fluctuations resumed, the government only had two more cards to play. 如果汇率重新波动,政府还能采取的只有两个办法了。 10. 〈口〉引人发笑的人,怪人 John's a real card; he always makes me laugh. 约翰真是个怪人;他总是引我发笑。 11. 罗盘方位盘,罗盘面 12. 〈美俚〉(供吸毒者一次服用的)一服麻醉品 13. [cards] 〈英口〉(放在雇主处有关税收、国民保险等的)雇员的证件 14. 【高尔夫】(标明球场洞穴的)记分卡
II vt. 1. 在…上附卡片,为…提供卡片 2. 把…制成卡片,把…记在卡片上(用作索引资料等) card up the place-names 把地名记在卡片上 We must collect and card our own material. 我们必须自己搜集资料并编成卡片。 3. 〈口〉【体】得(分);把(得分)记入卡片 4. 把…贴附在卡片上 5. 用卡片标示(姓名) 6. 〈美〉(尤指因对是否达到饮酒年龄有疑)向…要身份证 Blacks are more likely to be carded by disco doormen. 在迪斯科舞厅门口,黑人比其他人更有可能被要求出示身份证。 7. 〈加拿大〉[常用被动语态](业余运动员)接受政府资助继续训练 [< OFr carte < L charta leaf of papyrus < Gr khartēs < ? Egypt] phr. a card up one's sleeve 秘而不宣的计划;暗中的意图;锦囊妙计 Bill had a card up his sleeve, so when his first plan failed he tried another. 比尔心里早有打算,所以第一个计划失败后,他就试用另一个计划。a knowing card 机灵鬼,精明的人 a leading card 先例,榜样; (论述中)最强有力的论点 ask for one's cards 要求辞职 He's planning to ask for his cards. 他正打算提出辞职。be one card (或 several cards) short of a full deck 〈谑〉脑子缺根弦 cards and spades (比赛等时为使双方机会均等)强者慷慨承担的不利条件 give sb. cards and spades 对某人慨然让步 count on one's cards 预盼成功,自恃能够奏效 force a card (变戏法时)使人无意中选择某一张牌 get one's cards 〈英口〉被解雇 If the men don't return by tomorrow they'll get their cards. 如果工人到明天还不复工,就要被开除了。 give sb. their cards 〈英口〉解雇某人 go through the (whole) card 〈口〉考虑 (或尝试)一切可能性 have (或 hold) the cards in one's hand(s) 有成功的把握,稳操胜算 hold all the cards 掌握整个局势;有把握 The 150,000-strong army held all the cards over the presidential election last week. 上个星期,拥有15万人的军队控制着总统选举的整个局面。hold (或 keep, play) one's cards close to one's (或 the) chest 守口如瓶,秘而不宣 in (或〈英〉on) the cards 〈口〉很可能的,可能发生的 Even if the two parties do sit down together, a stormy stalemate is in the cards. 即使双方真的一起坐下来进行谈判,也很可能会出现一个激烈争吵相持不下的局面。It's on the cards that income tax will be abolished. 所得税可能要废除。leave a (或 one's) card on (或 upon) sb. 在某人处留下名片 (以代替面谒) make a card 以一牌而赢一墩 No cards. 恕讣不周。 (在报上刊登有关殡仪启事用语) pack cards with 〈古〉和…串通舞弊,与…狼狈为奸 play one's best card 采用最有取胜把握的办法,拿出绝招,打出王牌 play one's cards well (或 right) 办事高明,做事有心计 If you play your cards right you ought to get a promotion. 如果应付得当,你应得到提升。play the (或 one's) ... card 使出…的一招 play the human rights card 打出人权这张牌 put (或 lay) (all) one's cards on the table 摊牌,把自己的打算和盘托出 Perhaps we shall make some progress if we put our cards on the table. 如公布我们的打算,也许工作倒会有所进展。show one's cards 摊牌,公布自己的打算 shuffle the cards进行角色 (或人员)大调动;改变方针政策 speak by the card 说话精确,字斟句酌 We must speak by the card in order to avoid misunderstanding. 我们说话必须精确,以免误会。stack the cards 1. 洗牌作弊 The gambler had stacked the cards against Bill. 那个赌徒洗牌作弊,使比尔上当失利。2. 暗中布局不公正; 使事情变得不利于他人 The cards are stacked against a poor boy who wants to go to college. 对于一个希望上大学的穷苦男孩,环境是很不利的。 That's the card (for it). (对那件事)就该这么办。 the cards are in sb.'s hands 某人有成功的把握,某人必操胜券 throw up one's cards 1. 丢牌,退出牌局 2. 放弃计划,罢手,认输 |