

单词 affair
释义 af·fair /əˈfeə(r)/ n. | phr.
1. [affairs]事务
international affairs 国际事务
conduct (或 handle) state affairs 处理国务
run day-to-day affairs in the country 处理国家日常事务
those at the head of affairs 执掌国事的人
a man of affairs 实务家
the present state of affairs 目前形势
2. 事情,事件
Breakfast was a very subdued affair. 早餐很不张扬。
The party was a vast and lavish affair. 宴会规模很大,办得很豪华。
Meat food was a once-a-week affair then. 在那时一星期才吃一次肉。
3. (个人的)
That's my own affair. 那是我的私事。
That is none of your affair. 那不关你的事。
How are your affairs going? 你的情况怎么样?
4. 东西
They are mostly one-storey frame affairs. 它们多数是木板平房。
The concert was rather an amateurish affair. 这场音乐会颇有些外行客串的味道。
Lunch was delicious, a very American affair. 午餐很可口,很有美国风味。
5. 恋爱事件;(尤指关系不长久的)风流韵事;私通(= affaire)
a romantic affair 风流韵事
have an affair with sb. 与某人发生暧昧关系
6. [常与当事者人名等专有名词连用]闹得满城风雨的案件;社会轶闻(= affaire)
the Stilwell affair 史迪威事件
7. 喜庆事;社交活动
She accompanied him to an affair at the Newspaper Photographers' Association. 她陪他去摄影记者协会参加一次招待会。
[<OFr < à faire to do]
phr. an affair of hono(u)r 决斗(指非以决斗解决不可的荣誉攸关的事情)
settle one's affairs (尤指远行、入伍等之前)把个人事务料理停当




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