释义 |
can·cel /ˈkænsəl/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I (-cel(l)ed; -cel·(l)ing) ❶ vt. 1. 取消,撤销;废除;终止 cancel a trip (a football game) 取消旅行(足球赛) cancel an appointment with sb. 取消和某人的约会 cancel an order for goods 撤销定货单 cancel a disputed clause in a contract 废除契约中有争执的条文 cancel a lease 解除租约 cancel one's subscription to a magazine 停止订阅杂志 2. 抵消,对消 His erratic behaviour canceled the good impression he had made previously. 他的古怪行为抵消了以前他给人留下的好印象。 The increase in the strength of their navy is canceled by that in our army. 他们海军力量的增强和我方陆军力量的增强两者起了相互抵消的作用。 3. 删去,划掉 cancel objectionable phrases from a manuscript 把手稿中惹人厌恶的词句删去 cancel a word (figure) 把一个词(数字)划掉 4. (用邮戳等)盖销(邮票等) canceled stamps 盖销(邮)票 a canceled cheque 已经付讫的支票 5. 【数】约去;消去 9 and 12 can be canceled (out) by 3. 9和12可以用3来通约。 6. 【印】(已排版或付印后)注销(一页、一篇文章等) 7. 〈美〉【音】(加本位记号)把(升半音或降半音)还原 ❷ vi. 1. 【数】相约;相消 2. 相互抵消力量(或效果等) 3. 取消约会(或比赛、定货等)
II n. 1. 取消,撤销;废除;删去,划掉 A cancel of an order is a rare occurrence. 撤销定货单是少有的事。 2. 被取消的部分;表示盖销的印记 3. 【数】(相)约;(相)消 4. 【印】修版;经修正的版面 5. 〈美〉【音】本位记号 6. [常作 cancels] 轧票机,打孔铗 a pair of cancels 一把轧票钳 [< OFr canceller < ML cancellāre < LL: to strike out, make like a lattice < L cancellī lattice, grating] phr. cancel out 1. 抵消;相互抵消,相互抵消力量 The two things are so opposed that they just cancel each other out. 两者如此截然相反,以致起了相互抵消的作用。The awful effort involved in travel canceled out the possible pleasure she'd have. 她为旅行所费的许多心力抵消了她可能得到的愉快。The pros and cons cancel out. 正反双方理由相当。2. 除去,抵消 (借方或贷方款项等),销 (账);删去 Will you cancel out that charge, please. 请付清那笔费用把账销了,好吗? Next, you should cancel out all the noughts. 下一步,你得把所有的0删去。 |