释义 |
busi·ness /ˈbɪznɪs/ n. | phr. n. 1. 交易,生意;商业;营业(额) He is in the grocery business. 他做杂货生意。 This company was doing a great business. 这家公司生意兴隆。 a good stroke of business 一笔赚钱的买卖 The bank has opened for business. 该银行已开业。 Most of the store's business comes from women. 该店主要做妇女的生意。 2. 工商企业;商店,商行;工厂;营业所 a shipping business 造船公司 a business centre 企业中心 3. 职业;职务,职责;责任;工作,任务;目的,使命 put thousands of workers out of business 使数千工人失业 It's a teacher's business to make children learn. 教师的职责是使孩子们学习。 I am in the business of keeping a secret. 我的责任在于保守秘密。 business before pleasure 先工作后玩乐 What is your business here? 你来有何贵干? 4. 事务,事;难事;讨厌的事;所关心的事;所干预的事;(行动、询问的)权利 He asked who I voted for and I said it was my business. 他问我投谁的票,我说那是我个人的事。 the business of the day 日程 It was a difficult business getting everything ready in time. 要把一切按时准备就绪实在是件难事。 What a business it is! 多麻烦的事! It was no business of mine. 那事与我无干。 What business is it of yours? 这事与你何干? I don't think my plans are your business. 我认为你无权过问我的计划。 5. 【戏】(演员的)动作 (= stage business) 6. 〈婉〉大便 7. [the business] 〈英口〉令人愉快的人(或事、活动);受欢迎的人;受喜爱的活动 8. 〈古〉忙碌;有目的的活动 [<OE bisignis solicitude, attentiveness < bisig busy + -NESS] phr. business as usual 1. 照常营业 2. 一切如常;处之泰然 Business is business. 公事公办。 do business with 1. 与…做买卖 2. 与…交往 do one's business 〈婉〉大便 do sb.'s business (或 do the business for sb.) 〈口〉够某人受的;要某人的命 If you eat any more pudding, it will do the business for you. 你再吃布丁会撑死的。do the business 1. 〈英口〉解决问题;把事办成 I gave him some money and that did the business. 我给了他些钱事情就解决了。 2. 〈俚〉〈粗〉性交 get down to business 认真着手办事 It's time we got down to business. 我们该认真办事(或讨论实质问题)了。give (get) the business 1. 〈美俚〉给予 (受到)粗暴对待; (被)责罚 (或殴打、杀害、戏弄、欺骗等)The teacher gave him the business when he came to school late. 他迟到了,老师把他训斥一顿。He's been giving his partner the business for years. 几年来他一直欺骗着他的同伙。2. 尽最大努力 He gave the tryouts the business but failed. 他在选拔赛时尽了最大努力,但失败了。go about one's business 干自己的事 Just go about your business and don't keep looking out of the window. 干你自己的事,别老望着窗外。go into business 从事商业 He will go into business when he leaves school. 他毕业后将去经商。go out of business 停止经商;停止做原来的工作 He had a shop, but he went out of business after the war. 他曾开了一家店,但战后他歇业了。have no business 无权;没有理由 You've no business to say such a thing. 你无权说这样的话。He had no business going swimming that day. 他那天不该去游泳。in business 1. 经商,经营 He is in business for himself. 他自己经商。 2. 开始工作 The 15-member committee is expected to be in business by early June. 15人组成的委员会可望于6月初开始活动。in the business of 从事…的;准备从事…的 know one's business 胜任自己所干的一行 (like) nobody's business 〈口〉非同寻常 (的事)He plays the piano like nobody's business. 他钢琴弹得极好。My head this morning is nobody's business. 今晨我的头很不舒服。make it one's business 特别注意某事,负责办某事 He never makes it his business to inquire whether you are rich or poor. 他从不打听你是富还是穷。I will make it my business to see that the money is paid promptly. 我将负责督促迅速付款。mean business 〈口〉是认真的;将一定采取行动 They convinced the enemy that they meant business. 他们使敌人相信他们是说到做到的。mind one's own business 管自己的事 Mind your own business. 你别管闲事。on business 因事,因公 visit Africa on official business 因公访问非洲 No admittance except on business. 非公莫入。send sb. about his business 把某人打发走;叫某人不要多管闲事 |