

单词 advise
释义 ad·vise /ədˈvaɪz/ vt. | vi.
1. 劝告;忠告;警告;向…提供意见,给…出主意
They strongly advised him to accept the offer. 他们竭力劝他接受这个建议(或报价)
advise sb. against doing sth. 劝某人不要做某事
advise sb. of the danger 警告某人提防危险
advise the President on foreign policy 当总统的外交政策顾问
2. 建议
advise extreme caution 建议要极端谨慎
advise secrecy 建议严守秘密
We advise that steps be taken at once. 我们建议立即采取步骤。
3. 通知,告知
Please advise me of any change of address. 如地址有变,敬请通知。
Please be advised that the meeting is postponed. 敬启者:这次会议延期举行。
He has been advised of the state of the market. 他已了解行情。
Will you advise us (of) when the goods should arrive? 请告知货将在什么时候到达。
The reporter was advised that the Prime Minister would not be available in October. 记者接到通知说10月份首相无法接受采访。
1. 提供意见;建议
advise on energy policy 提出有关能源政策的意见
The playwright was invited to advise in the production. 剧作家应邀对演出提出意见。
I shall act as you advise. 我将按照你的意见行事。
2. 商量
advise with one's parents 与父母商量
3. 考虑,思考
[< OFr aviser, adviser to be of the opinion, give an opinion < avis opinion]




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