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build·up /ˈbɪldʌp/ n. [常作单] 1. 发展;增长,增强;积聚;集结 the buildup of heavy industry 重工业的发展 a buildup of pressure 压力的增强 the rapid buildup of passenger services 乘客服务项目的迅速增加 the chemical buildup that sat on top of the city 积聚在该市上空的化学气体 a troop buildup at two military bases 两个军事基地上的军队集结 2. 捧场;制造舆论;准备工作,准备过程 give sb. a good buildup 对某人大捧场 The play had a big buildup in the press. 这戏在报上大受好评。 The threats were a buildup for a killing. 威胁是为杀害作准备。