释义 |
buck·et /ˈbʌkɪt/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 水桶,吊桶,提桶;〈美俚〉便桶 a fire bucket 消防水桶 an ice bucket (镇饮料的)冰桶 2. (一)桶,满桶; [buckets] 大量 a bucket of coal 一桶煤 The rain was coming down in buckets. 大雨倾盆。 weep buckets over sb. 为某人泪如雨下 3. 桶状物;(挖土机的)铲斗;(谷物升运器的)勺斗;(水车的)戽斗;(挖泥船的)挖斗;(涡轮机的)叶片;(唧筒的)活塞;(马鞭、卡宾枪等的)皮套 4. 〈美俚〉(尤指破旧而开不快的)船;汽车 5. = bucket seat 6. 〈俚〉屁股 7. 【计】存储桶
II ❶ vi. 1. 〈口〉急速(或颠簸着)行进;骑马飞奔;驾车飞驰;溜达,乱跑 The car bucketed along at ninety. 汽车以90英里的时速向前飞驰。 The jeep bucketed over the rocky road. 吉普车在坎坷的石路上颠簸前进。 People go bucketing all over the shop. 人们在店里到处兜。 2. 急急忙忙 bucket into one's work 急忙干起活来 3. (划桨时)过早向前摆动身体 4. 〈英口〉(雨等)倾泻;下倾盆大雨 The rain (或 It) is bucketing down. 大雨倾盆。 5. 经营投机商号;投机倒把 ❷ vt. 1. 用桶提(或装运) bucket water from a well 用桶从井里打水 2. 〈英〉催(马)拼命跑;(横冲直撞地)驾驶(车等) bucket one's car down the road 驾车沿路飞驰 3. (划桨时)过早向前摆动(身体) 4. (在投机商号)从事(订货交易) [<? Ang-Fr buket washtub, pail <OE būc vessel, pitcher] phr. a drop in the bucket 见 drop give (receive) the bucket 下(收到)解雇通知 kick the bucket 〈俚〉翘辫子,死 |