

单词 cake
释义 cake /keɪk/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1 [总称]糕饼
Would you like another piece of cake? 你要不要再来一块饼?
2. 饼,糕,蛋糕;苏格兰燕麦饼;烤饼
a chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕
a birthday cake 生日蛋糕
She's making cakes. 她在烤饼。
3. 饼状食物
a potato cake 土豆饼
a fish cake 鱼糜饼
4. [常用以构成复合词](棉籽、亚麻子等压制成的)饲料饼
the cake-fed ewes 用饲料饼喂养的母羊
5. 坚实的块状物,块
a cake of soap 一块肥皂
an ice cake 冰块
6. (硬或脆的)凝结层,聚积物
cake formed in a smoker's pipe 烟斗中的积垢
7. [the cake](按成分配的)利益总额;(分享的)利益;利益分配比例图
get more of the cake out of the employers 从老板那里分得更多一点利益
8. 美俚妖娆女子
9. 美俚(大学生用语)容易的事情,轻松愉快的事
10. 美俚(黑人用语)
She's a wild piece of cake. 她性子很野。
11. 小面包

II vt.
shoes caked with dirt 积结着污垢的鞋
Snow was caked high along the streets. 街道边积着高高的雪堆。
I could see the blood caked around his nostrils now. 这下我可以看见他鼻孔周围粘着的血块了。
Mud caked on his shoes. 泥土粘结在他的鞋上。
[ME< ON kaka]
phr. a piece of cake 容易(或轻松愉快)的事情
This job is anything but a piece of cake. 这份差事决不轻松。
a slice of the cake (分享的)一份利益
The unions tried to secure a bigger slice of the cake of economic prosperity for the working populations. 工会试图为工人们争取更多的由经济繁荣所带来的利益。
cakes and ale 欢乐;物质享受
Life is not all cakes and ale. 人生并不就是吃喝玩乐。
cannot have one's cake and eat it (too)(或 cannot eat one's cake and have it (too)) 两者不可兼得
Roger can't make up his mind whether to go to college or get a full-time job. You can't eat your cake and have it too. 去上大学还是找个全职工作,罗杰还拿不定主意,两者不可兼得呀。
go (或 sell) like hot cakes 销售得很快
We hope this dictionary sells like hot cakes. 我们希望这词典能畅销。
land of cakes 见 land
Sb's cake is dough.某人的计划泡汤了。
take the cake
1. 成为最佳者;得第一名;居首位
Sam takes the cake as a storyteller. 萨姆是个最会讲故事的人。
2. 坏到极点;(尤指在厚颜、鲁莽、愚蠢等方面)胜过别人
For being absent-minded, Jim takes the cake. 吉姆老是心不在焉,在这方面真是登峰造极了。




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