

单词 brush¹
释义 brush¹ /brʌʃ/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. (毛、钢丝等制的)刷,刷子;毛笔;画笔
a laundry brush 洗衣用的板刷
She ran a brush over her hair again and again. 她把头发刷了又刷。
2. 刷状物;毛茸茸的尾巴(尤指狐狸尾巴);羽毛帽饰;美俚络腮胡子
a thick brush of wavy hair 一头短而浓密的鬈发
3. (一)刷,(一)掸,(一)拂,轻碰,轻抹,轻擦
He gave his suit a quick brush. 他把衣服很快地刷了一遍。
a brush of the hand (手的)一拂
a brush of a kiss on the cheek 在面颊上的轻轻一吻
She felt the brush of his coat as he hurried by. 他匆匆走过时她感到他的外衣擦着了她。
4. 小接触;小冲突,小争吵;小规模战斗,遭遇战;温和的责备 (with)
have a brush with literature 浅尝文学
the first serious brush with the problem 第一次认真触及这问题
after a few brushes with danger 碰上几次危险之后
a brush with the law 轻微的犯法行为
have a brush with the thugs 与暴徒们小冲突一场
5. 电刷;刷形放电(= brush discharge)
6. 刷子(用于鼓、钹等打击乐器,产生窸窣声的效果)
7. = brushwork
8. 美俚= brushoff
9. 澳新口姑娘;[总称]娘儿们
10. 奔跑;赛跑,速度比赛

II vt.
1. (用刷子)刷;(用毛笔或画笔)写;画;涂抹;掸,拂;擦
brush one's hat (shoes, hair, teeth) 刷帽子(鞋子,头发,牙齿)
a poem brushed on a scroll 写在卷轴上的诗
The summer sky was brushed red with the sun. 阳光染红了夏日的天空。
brush the floor 擦地板
2. 推,挤;追逼,驱赶
brush one's way through the crowd 从人群中挤过去
be brushed into the background 已成为过去的事(或不重要的角色)
3. 拭去;除去
brush the steam from the window 把窗上的水汽擦掉
4. 擦过,轻触;掠过
The bicycle just brushed me as it passed. 自行车从我旁边擦身而过。
I've just brushed death. 我险些丧生。
1. 刷,掸,拂擦(at);刷牙(或头发等)
He was brushing at his trousers. 他正在刷裤子。
He brushed at the mosquitoes. 他挥手赶蚊子。
Brush after each meal. 饭后刷牙。
2. 轻捷地行动,疾行;触到,擦及 (against);擦过,掠过 (past, by, through)
The door brushed against the nap of the carpet as it opened. 门一开就擦着地毯的绒毛。
He brushed past (或 by) me in a rude way. 他莽莽撞撞地从我身边擦过。
The wind blew lightly, brushing through my hair. 微风轻轻吹过我的头发。
3. (马奔时)两脚相擦受伤
[<OFr broisse<? broce brush²]
phr. at the first brush 第一次相遇时,初次见面时
be tarred with the same brush 都是一丘之貉
When you fraternize with people like him, you get tarred with the same brush. 跟他这类人交往,你就同他们是一路货色了。
brush aside 1. 把…推在一边;排除
She brushed aside a lock of hair that had fallen over her eye. 她把挂下来遮住眼睛的一绺头发捋开。
brush all obstacles aside 排除一切障碍
2. 不理,不顾,漠视
brush a proposal (protest, demand) aside 对建议(抗议,要求)置之不理
brush difficulties aside 不顾困难
He was very hurt when you brushed him aside. 你把他冷落一边,他非常伤心。
brush away 1. 刷去,掸掉;推开
I brushed the snow away from his face. 我拂去他脸上的雪。
brush the leaves away 把树叶扫掉
He brushed her hand away. 他把她的手推开。
2. 不理,不顾,漠视 (= brush aside)
brush down 1. 刷净
brush oneself down 把自己身上刷干净
Your jacket needs brushing down. 你的上衣需要刷刷干净。
2. 责骂
give sb. a good brushing down 把某人痛骂一顿
brush off 1. 刷去,掸掉(= brush away); 刷(后脱)
The mud will brush off when it dries. 泥干了可以刷掉。
2. 美口不愿见(或听等),不客气地拒绝,对…不重视;把…打发掉;除掉:
brush off sb.'s warning (suggestions) 不听某人的警告(建议)
brush off sb.'s questions拒绝回答某人提的问题
brush off the importance of sth. 漠视某事的重要性
He brushed the story off quickly at a press conference. 他在一次记者招待会上三言两语把这事应付过去。
3. 美俚走开,离去;英俚逃走
brush over 1. 刷遍;给…抹上一层涂料
brush the coat over 把外衣整个儿刷一遍
brush over the canvas to bring out a more vivid effect 给油画涂上一层色彩使画面更生动
2. 随随便便地处理(或对待)
At the end the author has only brushed lightly over the subject of his title. 最后作者对主题只是轻轻一笔带过。
brush sb. back (棒球的投手)迫使某击球员后退(以免被球击中)
brush up 1. 在…上刷漆;刷干净;使整洁
The house needs to be brushed up. 这屋子需要油漆一下。
wash and brush oneself up 梳洗整装
2. 重温,再练(荒疏的学业、技术);通过学习(或练习)提高
I must brush up my French before going to Paris. 我去巴黎前一定要把法语复习一下。
They come here to brush up on technology. 他们来此以求提高技术。
3. 改进,改善




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