

单词 advance
释义 ad·vance /ədˈvɑːns; ədˈvæns/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | phr.
I vt.
1. 使向前移动;将…推向前进
advance film 向前拧转胶卷
advance a chessman (troops) 向前移动一枚棋子(部队)
advance big-power ambitions 推行大国野心
2. 促进;加速…的进程
advance the cause of peace 促进和平事业
advance one's own interests at the expense of others 损人利己
It may have advanced that country's nuclear energy programme by eight months. 这可能已使该国的核能计划加快了8个月。
3. 提出;建议
advance an argument (a proposal, an opinion) 提出论据(建议,意见)
I merely advance a possibility. 我只不过提出一种可能性而已。
advance tentative forecasts 提出初步预测
4. 提升;提高…的重要性
advance sb. to (the rank of) first lieutenant 提升某人为中尉
a way of advancing oneself 晋升之路
advance one's prestige 提高声誉
remove apartheid and advance nonwhites 撤除种族隔离并提高非白人的地位
5. 提高(价格等),增加
advance prices (wages) 提价(工资)
advance the rent 增加房租
6. 提前(未来事件的日期),使(未来事件)提前发生;把(钟、表等)拨快;使(火花塞)提早发火
advance the date of the election 将选举日期提前
The clocks have been advanced one hour. 钟已拨快一小时。
7. 挪后(过去事件的日期),把(过去事件)作时间上的后移
Recent scholarship has advanced the date of composition from the first to the second century A.D. 近来的学术研究已把作品写成的时间从公元1世纪推迟到2世纪。
8. (作为赊借)预先发放;预先垫付;(尤指凭抵押品)(款)
Seed is advanced by the company. 种子由公司预先提供。
advance an employee a week's pay 给雇员预发一星期工资
advance a loan to sb. on favourable terms 以优惠条件贷款给某人
9. (某地)预先安排接待候选人;在(某地)做先遣人员工作
10. (头等);升(旗等)
1. 前进;向前移动;向前推移
Our army advanced against the enemy. 我军向敌进击。
The two advanced on him with clenched fists. 这两人紧握拳头向他进逼过来。
advance one step 向前挪一步
As autumn advanced, he became worse. 秋深了,他的情况变得更加糟糕。
advance to the semifinals 进入半决赛
We have now advanced into the year of 2006. 我们现已进入2006年。
2. 取得进展;改进
a question on which knowledge is advancing 人们对其了解正在逐步加深的一个问题
advance in skill 在技巧方面得到提高
3. 被晋升,被提升;(在地位、重要性等方面)提高
At 30, he had already advanced to colonel. 在30岁上他已升为上校。
4. (物价等)上涨;(在数量、价值等方面)增加
be of an advancing age 年事渐高
advance in age 年岁渐长
Crop income will advance. 农产品收入将增加。
5. (颜色)显得突出
advancing and receding colours 近感色及远感色
6. 先行安排候选人访问;做先遣人员工作

II n.
1. 前进;进展
The infantry's advance was slow. 步兵推进的速度缓慢。
a major advance in science 科学上的巨大进展
material advance and spiritual enrichment 物质进步和精神充实
2. 行过的路程
An advance of ten miles brought them to the village. 行过10英里后,他们来到了村子。
3. 前进的命令(或信号)
4. 擢升;高升
5. (数量、价格、价值等的)增长;增加
an advance of five dollars in the price of sth. 某物价格的5元上涨额
wage advances 工资的增加
Our profits this year show a sharp advance on (或 over) last year's figure. 我们本年度的利润远远超过去年的数字。
6. 预先提供;预付;预先提供的货物;预付的钱;预售数;预售所得的款项
an advance on salary 预付薪金
an advance on royalties 预付版税
collect from the publisher enormous advances on the book one is writing 为自己尚在写作的书从出版商处获取几笔数额很大的预付稿费
7. (一笔)贷款
8. [常作 advances](表示愿意友好和解等的)主动姿态;(尤指对异性的)挑逗,勾引
rebuff sb.'s advances 断然拒绝某人的友好表示(或挑逗)
make advances towards a girl 勾引一位姑娘
9. 先遣队;(为接待候选人所做的)预先安排;先遣人员工作
10. 事先付印的演讲(或声明、新闻)稿

III a.

1. 先行的;前面的
an advance party of soldiers 先头部队
the advance section of a train 列车的前部
2. 预先的,事先的
an advance payment 预付款项
deny advance knowledge of sth. 否认事前与闻某事
3. 出版(或发行)前的
an advance text of a speech 事先发的演讲稿
advance publicity for a book 出版前的新书广告
[< OFr avancier to set out before (sb.) < L abante from before]
phr. in advance 1. 在前面
The guard of honour marched in advance. 仪仗队走在前头。
2. 预先,事先
pay $100 in advance 预付100美元
You ought to have told me in advance. 你本该事先告诉我的。
He had known in advance of the invasion plans. 他事先就知道入侵的计划。
in advance of 在…的前面,在…之前
His educational ideas were far in advance of his time. 他的教育思想远远超越了他所处的时代。
In the funding of the arts that country generally is in advance of others. 在资助艺术方面,那个国家一般说来走在别国的前面。
try to find out the result of an examination in advance of the official announcement 试图在正式宣布之前打听到考试结果




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