

单词 yes
释义 yes /jes/ ad. | n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I ad.
1. [用以表示肯定的回答,no之对]是,是的;好的
A:Will you go? B:Yes. 甲:你去吗? 乙:是的。
A:Do you want some coffee? B:Yes,please. 甲:你要喝些咖啡吗? 乙:好的,谢谢。
A:Don't you like it? B:Yes, I(do)like it. 甲:你难道不喜欢这个吗? 乙:不,我(确实)喜欢。
A:Isn't it raining? B:Yes, it is. 甲:天没在下雨吧? 乙:不,在下雨。[注意:在回答否定问句时,如答案是肯定的,要用 yes, 如答案是否定的,则用no, 这和汉语的表达习惯不一致]
A:I saw a motorbike out front. Is it yours? B:The little one —the blue bike — yes. 甲:我看见前门外有辆摩托车,是你的吗? 乙:那辆小的——蓝色的——是的。
A:What! Are you telling me that you can't do it? B:No,sir; I mean, yes, sir, I can't. 甲:什么!你说这事你不会做? 乙:不是的,先生;我是说,是的,先生,我不会。
2. [用以表示进一步的强调]而且,甚至
This is a possible,yes,a probable explanation. 这是一个可能的而且是很可能言之成理的解释。
He is ready,yes,eager to help. 他乐意甚至可以说热切地想帮忙。
3. [用以表示对否定概念的纠正或反驳]不对;偏偏,就是(要)
A:It isn't ready. B:Yes, it is. 甲:还没准备好呢。乙:不对,就是准备好了。
A:Don't say that!B:Yes, I will. 甲:别那么说!乙:不,我偏要说。
You say I can't, but I say yes I can. 你说我不会,可我说我就是会。
4. [用以表示征询、疑问、好奇或鼓励别人继续说等,常用问句升调]是吗,真的吗;嗯,什么
A:I know what he wants. B:Yes? A:Money. 甲:我知道他要什么。乙:是吗,要什么? 甲:钱。
A:One more thing, Miss Stella. B:Yes? 甲:斯特拉小姐,还有一件事。乙:嗯,什么?
A: I didn't show up, because —B:Yes, because? 甲:我没有到场,因为——乙:哦,因为什么?
That was a marvellous show! Yes? 演出真不赖! 是不?
Yes?”he said as he opened the door. “什么事啊?”他边开门边说。
5. [用以表示带有保留的同意]是呀,对啊
Yes, the material of the coat is good. But I prefer its style. 是呀,这件上衣的料子不错。不过我更喜欢它的式样。
6. [用以应答呼唤或表示在注意倾听对方说话]来啦;嗳,噢
A:Waiter! B:Yes. 甲:服务员! 乙:来啦。

II n.
1. 是;同意;赞成
answer in yeses and noes 用“是”和“不是”回答
I nodded yes. 我点头同意。
I have his yes to that. 我得到他对那事的同意。
The answer is yes. 回答是“行”。
a yes vote 赞成票
give a yes or a no to sth. 对某事表示赞成或反对
2. 赞成票;投赞成票者
vote yes in the interest of national concord 为了民族和睦而投赞成票
There were seventeen yeses and only two don't knows. 一共是17张赞成票,只有2张意向未定票。
The people gave their president a 75% yes. 75%的人民投了总统赞成票。
The yeses won. 投赞成票的人取胜。

III (yessed; yes·sing)

He was better at yessing than at developing original ideas. 他更善于附和,而不善于提出独创见解。
She kept yessing him when he was talking. 他说话时,她连声应和。
[< OE gēse < gēa yea + si be it so]
phr. oh yes 是这样,千真万确
A: Do you want a cushion? B:Oh yes. Thank you. 甲:你要个软垫吗? 乙:哦,好的,谢谢。
oh yes? 哦,真的?
say yes (to) 允诺;赞成,同意
yes(,) and (或or) [加强后随语气]而且,甚至还
I could endure, yes,and enjoy it. 我忍受得了,甚至还喜欢呢。
He would beat me, yes, and you too. 他会打我,还有你也会。
yes and no 也是也不是,不能说定
A:Do they actually use computers to diagnose illnesses? B:Yes and no. 甲:他们真的用计算机诊断疾病吗? 乙:既是也不是。




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